Creates the Highway Work Zone Safety Act. Establishes the Highway Work Zone Speed Control Pilot Program. Provides that the Program's purpose is to enforce the speed limits established for construction or maintenance speed zones. Requires the Illinois State Police, in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, to set up and operate automated traffic control systems in highway construction and maintenance speed zones to detect violations of posted work zone speed limits. Provides that, before setting up an automated traffic control system for the purposes of the Program: (1) the Illinois State Police and the Illinois Department of Transportation may conduct a public information campaign to inform drivers about the use of automated traffic control systems to detect speeds in excess of a work zone speed limit; and (2) signs indicating that work zone speeds are enforced by automated traffic control systems shall be clearly posted in the areas where the systems are or will be in use. Provides that the Illinois Department of Transportation or the Illinois State Police may employ automated traffic control system operators to operate automated traffic control systems in construction or maintenance speed zones. Contains provisions concerning photographs and recorded images, violations, rented or leased vehicles, procurement, and rulemaking. Makes conforming changes in the Freedom of Information Act and in the Illinois Vehicle Code. Repeals the Automated Traffic Control Systems in Highway Construction or Maintenance Zones Act. Effective immediately.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 5 ILCS 140/7, 625 ILCS 5/3, 625 ILCS 5/11