Amends the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. In a provision involving ethical principles for legislators in the event of a conflict situation, defines conflict situation as any circumstance that (i) involves a legislator, the legislator's immediate family, or a business in which the legislator or the legislator's immediate family holds a direct or indirect economic interest, (ii) is related to a specific matter pending before the legislator, and (iii) may result in a private pecuniary benefit to the legislator, the legislator's immediate family, or one or more businesses in which the legislator is involved. Provides that, upon discovery of a conflict situation, the legislator shall disclose the conflict by notifying the Office of the Legislative Inspector General. Amends the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Directs the Legislative Inspector General to examine any conflict situation notice filed by a member, as well as each bill that is related to the conflict situation and that has been filed and approved for consideration, and to either (i) provide the member with an informal advisory opinion or (ii) refer the notice to the Commission for a formal advisory opinion and an opportunity to respond. Requires the Legislative Ethics Commission to examine any conflict situation notice filed by a member and referred to the Commission by the Office of the Legislative Inspector General, as well as each bill that is related to the conflict situation and that has been filed and approved for consideration, and to provide such a member with a formal advisory opinion and an opportunity to respond to the Office of the Legislative Inspector General.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 5 ILCS 420/3, 5 ILCS 430/25