Creates the Commission on Youth Sports Act. Creates the Commission on Youth Sports. Provides that the purpose of the Commission is to research, study, and make recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Department of Human Services concerning the following: (1) the creation of equitable, safe, and sustainable access for youth across the State to participate in sports that meet their skills and match their interests; (2) expanding integration of positive youth development in youth sports; and (3) and the promotion, development, expansion, hosting, and fostering of youth sports, youth sports programs, and youth sporting events and tournaments throughout the State. Provides that the Department of Human Services shall provide administrative and other support to the Commission. Provides for membership; terms; meetings; and expenses. Provides that the Commission shall submit a report of its findings, research, and recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Department of Human Services on or before December 31, 2025, and each year thereafter. Effective immediately.