Amends the Higher Education Student Assistance Act. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission shall award a nursing in correctional facilities scholarship to each qualified applicant. Provides that, prior to receiving scholarship assistance for an academic year, each recipient of a scholarship must sign an agreement pledging that, within the one-year period following the termination of the academic program for which the recipient was awarded a scholarship, the recipient shall begin working as a nurse within the Department of Corrections for a period of not less than 3 years. Sets forth provisions concerning the scholarship amount, applicant eligibility, the selection of recipients, applications, the distribution of funds, the fulfillment of the agreement, funding, and rulemaking. Provides that the Department of Corrections, in consultation with the Commission, shall provide an annual report to the General Assembly on effectiveness, including the number of recipients, their service periods, and any challenges faced. Makes other changes. Effective July 1, 2026.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 110 ILCS 947/65