Creates the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act. Allows parents to enter into a temporary agreement granting custodial responsibility during military deployment. Allows a court, after a deploying parent receives notice of deployment and until the deployment terminates, to issue a temporary order granting custodial responsibility. Allows either parent to file a motion, at any time after a deploying parent receives notice of deployment, regarding custodial responsibility of a child during deployment. Allows a court, on motion of a deploying parent, to grant caretaking authority or limited contact to a nonparent who is an adult family member of the child or an adult with whom the child has a close and substantial relationship. Provides that an agreement or grant of authority is temporary and terminates after the deploying parent returns from deployment, unless the agreement has been terminated before that time by court order or modification. Provides that if a court has issued an order granting caretaking authority, the court may enter a temporary order for child support. Allows the court, after a deploying parent returns from deployment until a temporary agreement or order for custodial responsibility is terminated, to issue a temporary order granting the deploying parent reasonable contact with the child. Includes provisions regarding expedited hearings, testimony by electronic means, and the effect of prior judicial orders or agreements. Sets forth notice requirements related to pending deployments and change of mailing addresses.