Creates the Commission on Eliminating Food Deserts Act. Establishes the Commission on Eliminating Food Deserts in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor for the purpose of reviewing the effectiveness of current State-led efforts to eliminate food deserts in Illinois and advising the General Assembly on policy, funding, initiatives, and best practices for the elimination of food deserts in Illinois. Describes the membership of the Commission. Provides that the Commission shall convene at the call of the chairperson and meet as frequently as necessary to carry out its duties. Provides that the Office of the Lieutenant Governor shall provide administrative and other support to the Commission. Provides that commissioners shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary expenses from funds appropriated for that purpose. Provides that the Commission shall submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before January 1, 2027, with annual addenda thereafter. Provides that the Act is repealed and the Commission is dissolved if 90% of food deserts in this State have been eliminated, with certain requirements. Defines terms.