Repeals the Pertussis Vaccine Act.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Pertussis Vaccine Act. Repeals provisions relating to creation of public pamphlets explaining the benefits and possible adverse reactions to immunizations for pertussis, providing the pamphlet and other information to parents or guardians of a newborn child, and immunity from liability relating to providing the pamphlet and other information to parents or guardians of a newborn child.

Statutes affected:
Engrossed: 410 ILCS 235/3, 410 ILCS 235/4, 410 ILCS 235/5
Enrolled: 410 ILCS 235/3, 410 ILCS 235/4, 410 ILCS 235/5
Public Act: 410 ILCS 235/3, 410 ILCS 235/4, 410 ILCS 235/5