Amends the Governmental Joint Purchasing Act. Provides that each chief procurement officer may authorize any governmental unit of this State to purchase or lease supplies from a contract which has been procured under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Procurement Code by a governmental unit subject to the jurisdiction of the chief procurement officer. Provides that, prior to making the contract available to the governmental unit of this State, the chief procurement officer shall consult with the governmental unit that is party to the contract and is subject to the jurisdiction of the chief procurement officer. Provides that a governmental unit of the State that uses such a contract shall report each year to the authorizing chief procurement officer the contractor used, supplies purchased, and total value of purchases for each contract. Requires the authorizing chief procurement officer to submit to the General Assembly by November 1 of each year a report of all procurements made.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 30 ILCS 525/2