Amends the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Rights Act. Prohibits an unlicensed mobile home park from evicting a tenant for non-payment of rent. Requires leases or rental agreements for a mobile home or lot to include notice that the landlord may not collect rent if the park is unlicensed.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Rights Act. Prohibits a park from evicting a tenant on the grounds of non-payment of rent if the park has not applied for its license or its license renewal and failed to submit all fees due and payable under the Mobile Home Park Act. Provides that non-payment of rent may not be used as a reprisal if the park has failed to apply for its license or renewal of its license and failed to submit all fees due and payable under the Act. Requires the park to be licensed to operate a mobile home park by either the Department of Public Health or applicable home rule jurisdiction. Provides that the license shall expire April 30 of each year, and a new license shall be issued upon proper application and payment of the annual license fee.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 765 ILCS 745/15, 765 ILCS 745/16, 765 ILCS 745/17
Engrossed: 765 ILCS 745/15, 765 ILCS 745/16, 765 ILCS 745/17
Enrolled: 765 ILCS 745/15, 765 ILCS 745/16, 765 ILCS 745/17
Public Act: 765 ILCS 745/15, 765 ILCS 745/16, 765 ILCS 745/17