Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Provides that a qualified child care director must be present at the open or close of the facility. Provides that a qualified early childhood teacher who has been employed by the facility continuously for at least 24 months may otherwise be present for the first or last hour of the workday.
House Committee Amendment No. 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Provides that either a qualified child care director or a qualified early childhood teacher with a minimum of 2,880 hours of experience as an early childhood teacher, must be present for the first and last hour of the workday and at the opening or closing of the facility.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Provides that through June 30, 2029, either a qualified child care director or a qualified early childhood teacher with a minimum of 2,880 hours of experience as an early childhood teacher at the early childhood teacher's current facility must be present for the first and last hour of the workday and at the opening or closing of the facility. Provides that the Department of Children and Family Services shall adopt rules to implement the provisions. Provides that such rules must be filed with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules no later than January 1, 2025. Effective immediately.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 225 ILCS 10/3
Engrossed: 225 ILCS 10/3
Enrolled: 225 ILCS 10/3
Public Act: 225 ILCS 10/3