Amends the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams Act. Provides that all State agencies engaged in any development within a special flood hazard area shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal and State law. Requires additional specified requirements to apply to State agencies engaged in any development within a special flood hazard area. Provides that the Department of Natural Resources shall adopt an administrative rule setting forth a program to ensure certain requirements via the issuance of permits prior to any State agency development within a special flood hazard area. Provides that grants or loans administered by State agencies for financing a development within special flood hazard area shall inform participants in their programs of the existence and location of special flood hazard areas and of any State or local floodplain requirements that are in effect in such areas. Requires State agencies that are responsible for regulating or permitting a development within special flood hazard areas to inform participants in their programs of the existence and location of special flood hazard areas and of any State or local floodplain requirements that are in effect in such areas. Requires State agencies that are engaged in planning programs or programs for the promotion of development to inform participants in their programs of the existence and location of special flood hazard areas and of any State or local floodplain requirements that are in effect in such areas. Requires the Department to provide available flood hazard information to assist State agencies in complying with the established requirements.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams Act. Requires the Department of Natural Resources to ensure that State agencies comply with the National Flood Insurance Program requirements. Requires all State agencies to obtain a special flood hazard area development permit before undertaking development activity on State-owned property that is located in a special flood hazard area. Requires the Department to adopt an administrative rule setting forth a State special flood hazard area development program to ensure that specified conditions are met for the issuance of permits prior to any State agency development within a special flood hazard area. Provides that State agencies that administer grants or loans for financing a development within a special flood hazard area, are responsible for regulating or permitting a development within a special flood hazard area, or engage in planning programs or promoting a development within a special flood hazard area shall cooperate with the Department to ensure that participants in their programs are informed of the existence and location of special flood hazard areas and of any State or local floodplain requirements that are in effect in such areas. Provides that the Department may enter into a memorandum of understanding with a State agency to outline procedures and processes to review proposed development activity on State-owned property located in a special flood hazard area. Allows the Department to enter into memorandum of understanding that provide for alternative approvals for the issuance of permits.
House Floor Amendment No. 3: Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the provisions of the engrossed bill and makes the following changes. Allows the Department of Natural Resources to adopt emergency rules. Makes a corresponding change in the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 615 ILCS 5/40
Engrossed: 615 ILCS 5/18
Enrolled: 5 ILCS 100/5, 615 ILCS 5/18, 615 ILCS 5/30
Public Act: 5 ILCS 100/5, 615 ILCS 5/18, 615 ILCS 5/30