Amends the Public Utilities Act. Provides that no electric or gas public utility shall disconnect service for nonpayment of a bill or deposit to any residential customer or master metered apartment building if gas or electricity is used as the primary source of space heating or is used to control or operate the primary source of space heating equipment at the premises and the customer has provided documentation that he or she is applying for grants or financial resources to pay the utility bill until 75 days after the customer provides documented proof of the grant or financial resource application. Provides that during the grace period the electric or gas public utility shall waive any late fees. Provides that an electric or gas public utility is not required to provide a grace period for a 12-month period after the conclusion of the preceding grace period.
House Floor Amendment No. 3: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Public Utilities Act. Provides that each electric and gas utility serving more than 500,000 customers in the State shall implement a Disconnection Protection Program. Provides that where customers have applied for assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP), the customer shall be temporarily protected from disconnection for 30 days after the utility receives notice from a local administrative agency that the customer has submitted an application to LIHEAP or PIPP. Provides that, in cases where LIHEAP or PIPP assistance is received, the customer shall be protected from disconnection for another 45 days after receiving the notice. Provides that any customer who applies for, but does not receive, LIHEAP or PIPP assistance shall only be temporarily protected from disconnection once in any program year. Provides that each electric and gas utility may recover costs for implementation, administration, and ongoing operation of the utility's Disconnection Protection Program through the utility's revenue requirement, subject to a review for prudence and reasonableness by the Illinois Commerce Commission.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 220 ILCS 5/8
Engrossed: 220 ILCS 5/8
Enrolled: 220 ILCS 5/8
Public Act: 220 ILCS 5/8