Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that, in accordance with federal guidance issued by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall exempt from electronic visit verification requirements all live-in caregivers who provide Medicaid-funded personal care services or home health care services under the Illinois Title XIX State Plan or a waiver of the plan, including personal care services and home health care services provided under various home and community-based services waiver programs authorized under the Social Security Act. Defines "live-in caregiver". Grants the Department rulemaking authority. Effective immediately.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Requires the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to exempt from electronic visit verification requirements all live-in caregivers who provide personal care services under the Adults with Developmental Disabilities waiver and the Support Waiver for Children and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Defines "live-in caregiver" and permits the Department to adopt any rules necessary to implement the amendatory Act, including rules on the form and manner in which a caregiver must verify that he or she meets the definition of "live-in caregiver". Effective immediately.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 305 ILCS 5/5
Engrossed: 305 ILCS 5/5