Amends the Illinois Works Job Program Act. Provides that contractors or subcontractors may be eligible to earn bid credits for employing apprentices who have completed the Illinois Works Preapprenticeship Program (previously bid credits were available for public works contracted by the State). Provides that contractors and subcontractors can use bid credits toward future bids for public works projects contracted or funded by the State or an agency of the State in order to increase the likelihood that the contractor and the subcontractors are selected as the contractor for the public works project. Provides that, for contracts and grant agreements executed after the effective date of the amendatory Act, of a specified goal at least half of the labor hours of each prevailing wage classification performed by apprentices shall be performed by graduates of the Illinois Works Preapprenticeship Program. Provides that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity may grant a reduction or waiver upon a determination that the contractor or subcontractor has demonstrated that insufficient graduates of the Illinois Works Preapprenticeship Program are available to meet the requirements. Provides that contractors and subcontractors must submit a certification to the Department and the agency that is administering the contract, or the grant agreement funding the contract, demonstrating that the contractor or subcontractor has not complied with the labor hour goals and did not receive a reduction or waiver. Provides the penalties for failing to comply with the Illinois Works Apprenticeship Initiative. Effective immediately.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1: In provisions concerning the Illinois Works Apprenticeship Initiative, provides that, for contracts and grant agreements executed after the effective date of the amendatory Act and before January 1, 2024 (in the engrossed bill, the effective date of the amendatory Act), of the stated goal, at least 25% (in the engrossed bill, half) of the labor hours of each prevailing wage classification performed by apprentices shall be performed by graduates of the Illinois Works Preapprenticeship Program, the Illinois Climate Works Preapprenticeship Program, or the Highway Construction Careers Training Program (in the engrossed bill, only the Illinois Works Preapprenticeship Program) and, for contracts and grant agreements executed on or after January 1, 2024, of this goal, at least 50%. Provides that in order to earn bid credits, contractors and subcontractors shall provide the Department with certified payroll documenting the hours performed by apprentices who have completed the Illinois Works Preapprenticeship Program. In provisions concerning failure to comply with the Illinois Works Apprenticeship Initiative, provides that those provisions apply to intentional failure to comply (instead of failure to comply). Provides that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall maintain a list of graduates of the Illinois Works Preapprenticeship Program for a period of not less than one year after the participant graduates from the Program, and contains other requirements of the list.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 30 ILCS 559/20
Engrossed: 30 ILCS 559/20
Enrolled: 30 ILCS 559/20
Public Act: 30 ILCS 559/20