Creates the Public-Private Partnerships Act. Provides that the intent of the Act, among others, is to authorize responsible public entities to develop and enter into public-private partnership agreements for qualifying projects which result in the availability of such projects to the public in a more timely and less costly fashion, thereby serving the public safety, benefit, and welfare. Creates the Infrastructure Investment Commission, including its membership and duties. Establishes the qualifications and processes related to unsolicited proposals for projects that become public-private agreements for the building, upgrading, providing of services, operating, ownership or financing of facilities. Sets forth the procedures and standards for the formation of public-private agreements between public and private entities, including the powers of the entities and the provisions of the agreements. Establishes development and operation standards for projects. Includes provisions related to the taxation and financial arrangements related to public-private partnerships. Sets forth additional provisions related to: the acquisition of property; law enforcement; and additional powers of responsible public entities with respect to qualifying projects. Makes conforming changes in the Freedom of Information Act and the Public Funds Investment Act.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 5 ILCS 140/7, 30 ILCS 235/2