Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Creates the Air Quality Enforcement and Mitigation Fund. Makes a conforming change to the State Finance Act. Provides that the Environmental Protection Agency shall expend 30% of moneys from the Fund for staffing and other functions of the Agency that benefit environmental protection communities and are related to one or more specified purposes. Directs the Agency to establish an Air Quality Community Impact Grant Program to provide grants to nonprofit entities, local health departments, local environmental departments, and school districts to carry out the purposes of the Act. Requires 70% of moneys from the Fund to be expended for grants under the Program for specified purposes in communities affected by violations of the Act. Requires the Agency to adopt rules to implement the Program. Provides that the Agency, in collaboration with environmental interest groups, shall develop a process to identify environmental protection communities. Requires the Agency to post on its website and make publicly available an annual report on the purposes for which grants were awarded under the Program. Contains other provisions. Effective immediately.
Statutes affected:
Introduced: 415 ILCS 5/9, 30 ILCS 105/5