Amends the Public Utilities Act. Deletes language that provides that no construction shall commence on any new nuclear power plant to be located within the State, and no certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authorization shall be issued therefor by the Illinois Commerce Commission, until the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency finds that the United States Government has identified and approved a demonstrable technology or means for the disposal of high level nuclear waste, or until such construction has been specifically approved by a statute enacted by the General Assembly. Provides that the Commission shall only issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity to a public utility operating or located within the State or to a company with a fossil fuel-based power generator. Provides that the Commission shall adopt rules concerning the granting of certificates of public convenience and necessity for the construction, purchase, or lease of small modular nuclear reactors. Provides requirements for the Commission to follow when adopting rules for the granting of certificates of public convenience and necessity for small modular nuclear reactors. Provides that the Commission may adopt emergency rules for the granting of certificates of public convenience and necessity for small modular nuclear reactors.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Public Utilities Act. Deletes language that provides that no construction shall commence on any new nuclear power plant to be located within the State, and no certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authorization shall be issued therefor by the Illinois Commerce Commission, until the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency finds that the United States Government, through its authorized agency, has identified and approved a demonstrable technology or means for the disposal of high level nuclear waste, or until such construction has been specifically approved by a statute enacted by the General Assembly. Effective immediately.
House Floor Amendment No. 2: Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the provisions of the engrossed bill, and makes the following changes: Requires any new nuclear reactor built in the State after the effective date of the amendatory Act to be an advanced nuclear reactor. Defines "advanced nuclear reactor". Provides that such requirements do not apply to the renewal or subsequent renewal of any license for an existing nuclear reactor. Effective immediately.
Statutes affected:
Introduced: 220 ILCS 5/8
Engrossed: 220 ILCS 5/8
Enrolled: 220 ILCS 5/8