Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 110 recognizes the critical need for ongoing efforts by water users and the Idaho Water Resource Board to enhance water management in the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer (ESPA) and the Snake River. The resolution highlights the importance of the ESPA, which supports a significant amount of irrigated farmland and various communities in southern and eastern Idaho. It notes the historical decline in groundwater levels due to various factors, leading to reduced spring flows and surface water supplies, which have resulted in legal disputes and water delivery challenges. The resolution also acknowledges the 2024 Stipulated Mitigation Plan, which aims to continue groundwater conservation and managed aquifer recharge efforts.
Furthermore, the resolution calls for the establishment of a state-funded managed recharge goal of 350,000 acre-feet annually for the ESPA, an increase from the previous goal of 250,000 acre-feet. This adjustment is intended to improve water reach gains between Blackfoot and the Minidoka Dam, protect existing water rights, and mitigate economic impacts from water shortages. The Legislature expresses its support for the 2024 Stipulated Mitigation Plan and encourages the Idaho Water Resource Board to revise relevant state water policies to align with this new recharge goal.