The "Protecting Campus Free Speech in Higher Education Act" is a new chapter added to Title 33 of the Idaho Code, aimed at safeguarding the rights of free speech on public college campuses. The act emphasizes the importance of the First Amendment and mandates that public institutions of higher education must not create designated free speech zones that limit non-commercial expressive activities. It establishes definitions for key terms such as "harassment," "protected expressive activity," and "materially and substantially disrupts," while also outlining the responsibilities of institutions to maintain policies that support free expression, including prohibiting student-on-student harassment.

Additionally, the act prohibits public institutions from charging security fees based on the content of expression and requires them to provide education on free speech rights to students. Institutions must report their compliance with these requirements by December 1, 2025, and any violations can lead to legal action by students or student organizations. The act also includes provisions for remedies, limitations on its application, and a statute of limitations for bringing claims. The law is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, following the declaration of an emergency.