This bill amends Chapter 37, Title 33 of the Idaho Code by adding a new section, 33-3732, which establishes provisions for Title IX compliance in higher education institutions within the state. The legislation mandates that the president of each public institution of higher education in Idaho is solely responsible for ensuring compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This includes the authority to implement policies, oversee investigations of Title IX complaints, and approve any decisions related to sanctions or disciplinary actions. The bill emphasizes the need for direct accountability at the highest level of leadership within these institutions.

Additionally, the bill requires each president to prepare and submit an annual report to the Idaho State Board of Education and the Idaho Legislative Services Office by July 1 each year. This report must include the number of Title IX complaints received, investigations conducted, and outcomes, as well as any changes to Title IX-related policies and procedures. The legislation is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, and is declared an emergency measure to ensure timely implementation of these compliance requirements.