House Resolution No. 4, introduced by the State Affairs Committee, proposes an amendment to Rule 70 of the Rules of the House of Representatives in Idaho. The resolution emphasizes the necessity of updating the rules regarding who may access the floor of the House during sessions. The amended rule specifies that only legislators, legislative employees, and representatives of the news media are permitted on the floor while the House conducts business. Elected state officials and former state legislators can only enter the floor if sponsored by a legislator and must leave before business commences unless authorized by the Speaker of the House.
Additionally, the resolution outlines that all individuals allowed on the floor must wear badges issued by the Chief Clerk. Any other guests must receive clearance from the Speaker or designated personnel, as well as the Sergeant at Arms, to gain access. This amendment aims to maintain order and control over who is present during legislative sessions, ensuring that only authorized individuals are allowed on the House floor.