RS31660C1 / H0723
This appropriation to the Idaho Transportation Department provides enhancements to the FY 2025 maintenance
budget that includes funding for targeted CECs for aeronautics, airfield improvements, deferred maintenance
projects, new equipment, net-zero department-wide transfers to align the budget with anticipated expenditures,
construction planning software and updating the website, 53.00 FTP for workforce planning, an increase in
federal funds, replacement items, and the additional 2% CEC. This bill also includes funding for construction
projects, road and bridge maintenance, safety and capacity projects, and local bridge maintenance. Additionally,
this bill provides cash transfers from the General Fund to dedicated funds totaling $502,800,000. Lastly, this bill
provides language for reappropriation, direction to renovate the State Street headquarters, direction to renovate
its Shoshone district 4 headquarters, and language directing use of unobligated ARPA state and local fiscal
recovery projects to pedestrian safety and surface transportation projects.
The appropriation provides an additional $592,730,500 to the maintenance appropriation provided to the Idaho
Transportation Department in Senate Bill 1270. Table 1 shows incremental adjustments to the budget found in
the bill, of which the ongoing increase is $6,549,900. Table 2 shows all of the adjustments leading to the FY
2025 Total appropriation. The total budget for the Idaho Transportation Department is $1,370,226,300.
Table 1 FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
Idaho Transportation Department
Transportation Services
3. Targeted CEC 0.00 0 92,400 0 92,400
4. Airfield Improvements 0.00 0 2,485,100 0 2,485,100
5. Deferred Maintenance Projects 0.00 0 15,500,000 0 15,500,000
7. New Equipment 0.00 0 13,000 0 13,000
15. Align Budget with Anticipated Expenses 0.00 0 102,300 0 102,300
16. Construction Planning Software 0.00 0 (500,000) 0 (500,000)
17. ITD Website 0.00 0 50,000 0 50,000
18. Renovate Headquarters 0.00 0 32,500,000 0 32,500,000
19. Budget Realignment 0.00 0 0 (48,000) (48,000)
Replacement Items 0.00 0 2,583,300 0 2,583,300
Add'l 2% Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 0 279,000 9,100 288,100
Motor Vehicles
15. Align Budget with Anticipated Expenses 0.00 0 (98,900) 0 (98,900)
17. ITD Website 0.00 0 (50,000) 0 (50,000)
Replacement Items 0.00 0 1,566,000 0 1,566,000
Add'l 2% Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 0 300,500 0 300,500
Highway Operations
2. Workforce Planning 53.00 0 4,874,400 0 4,874,400
6. New Equipment 0.00 0 6,600,300 0 6,600,300
9. Additional Federal Spending 0.00 0 0 5,697,000 5,697,000
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/19/2024, 9:09 AM
15. Align Budget with Anticipated Expenses 0.00 0 (3,400) 48,000 44,600
16. Construction Planning Software 0.00 0 500,000 0 500,000
18. LHTAC Contract 0.00 0 0 0 0
Replacement Items 0.00 0 45,901,100 0 45,901,100
Add'l 2% Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 0 1,746,800 194,500 1,941,300
Contract Construction and Right-of-Way
1. Construction Projects 0.00 0 28,118,900 62,589,100 90,708,000
11. Road and Bridge Maintenance 0.00 206,000,000 123,600,000 0 329,600,000
12. Safety and Capacity 0.00 96,800,000 58,080,000 0 154,880,000
20. Local Bridge Maintenance 0.00 200,000,000 200,000,000 0 400,000,000
Cash Transfers 0.00 (502,800,000) 0 0 (502,800,000)
FY 2025 Budget Enhancements 53.00 0 524,240,800 68,489,700 592,730,500
% Chg from FY 2025 Maintenance 3.3% 0.0% 134.0% 17.7% 76.2%
Table 2
FY 2024 Original Appropriation 1,592.00 0 848,014,700 464,477,900 1,312,492,600
Prior Year Reappropriation 0.00 0 308,124,600 0 308,124,600
FY 2024 Total Appropriation 1,592.00 0 1,156,139,300 464,477,900 1,620,617,200
Executive Carry Forward 0.00 0 41,629,600 2,284,900 43,914,500
FY 2024 Estimated Expenditures 1,592.00 0 1,197,768,900 466,762,800 1,664,531,700
Removal of Onetime Expenditures 0.00 0 (809,300,300) (80,480,700) (889,781,000)
FY 2025 Base 1,592.00 0 388,468,600 386,282,100 774,750,700
Personnel Benefit Costs 0.00 0 (1,044,900) (144,200) (1,189,100)
Inflationary Adjustments 0.00 0 56,000 0 56,000
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 0 2,652,000 0 2,652,000
1% Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 0 1,045,100 181,100 1,226,200
FY 2025 Program Maintenance - S1270 1,592.00 0 391,176,800 386,319,000 777,495,800
FY 2025 Budget Enhancements 53.00 0 524,240,800 68,489,700 592,730,500
FY 2025 Total 1,645.00 0 915,417,600 454,808,700 1,370,226,300
Chg from FY 2024 Orig Approp 53.00 0 67,402,900 (9,669,200) 57,733,700
% Chg from FY 2024 Orig Approp. 3.3% 7.9% (2.1%) 4.4%
Christine M Otto
Budget and Policy Analysis
(208) 334-4732
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/19/2024, 9:09 AM