RS31552 / S1411
This appropriation to the Department of Water Resources provides enhancements to the FY 2025 maintenance
budget that includes for aquifer monitoring and measuring, Salmon office move, Laserfiche conversion, Google
Earth computing costs, GIS mapping license increase, water infrastructure projects, replacement items, and an
additional 2% CEC. This bill includes language directing the transfer of funds to the Aquifer Planning and
Management Fund for aquifer monitoring, and to the Water Management Fund for large water projects.
This bill also includes two supplemental actions for FY 2024, including appropriation for reverted federal funds
committed for infrastructure projects and legislative language directing the use of adjudication fees.
This appropriation provides an additional $663,400 to the maintenance appropriation provided to the
Department of Water Resources found in Senate Bill 1269. Table 1 shows enhancements to the budget found
in the bill, of which the ongoing increase is $366,900, and $296,500 is a onetime increase. Table 2 shows all
the adjustments leading to the FY 2025 Total. The total budget for the Department of Water Resources is
Table 1 FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
1. Aquifer Monitoring and Measuring 0.00 0 716,000 0 716,000
2. Salmon Field Office Move 0.00 19,900 0 0 19,900
3. Laserfiche Conversion 0.00 90,000 0 0 90,000
4. Google Earth Computing Costs 0.00 41,100 0 0 41,100
5. GIS Mapping Licensing Increase 0.00 19,600 0 0 19,600
6. Water Infrastructure Projects 0.00 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000
Replacement Items 0.00 206,500 0 0 206,500
2% Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 210,000 65,900 10,400 286,300
Revenue Adjustments and Cash Transfers 0.00 (30,000,000) (716,000) 0 (30,716,000)
FY 2025 Budget Enhancements 0.00 587,100 65,900 10,400 663,400
% Chg from FY 2025 Maintenance 0.0% 2.5% 1.2% 0.0% 0.8%
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/05/2024, 1:57 PM
Table 2 FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2024 Original Appropriation 170.00 23,935,400 5,695,600 51,838,100 81,469,100
1. Reverted ARPA Funding 0.00 0 0 25,502,500 25,502,500
2. Adjudication Fee Language 0.00 0 0 0 0
FY 2024 Total Appropriation 170.00 23,935,400 5,695,600 77,340,600 106,971,600
Executive Carry Forward 0.00 95,400 0 0 95,400
FY 2024 Estimated Expenditures 170.00 24,030,800 5,695,600 77,340,600 107,067,000
Removal of Onetime Expenditures 0.00 (494,100) (9,000) (25,502,500) (26,005,600)
Base Adjustments 0.00 0 0 0 0
FY 2025 Base 170.00 23,536,700 5,686,600 51,838,100 81,061,400
Personnel Benefit Costs 0.00 (43,700) (9,300) (6,500) (59,500)
Inflationary Adjustments 0.00 13,900 0 0 13,900
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 13,200 (35,100) 0 (21,900)
1% Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 105,000 32,500 5,200 142,700
FY 2025 Program Maintenance - SB 1269 170.00 23,625,100 5,674,700 51,836,800 81,136,600
FY 2025 Budget Enhancements 0.00 587,100 65,900 10,400 663,400
FY 2025 Total 170.00 24,212,200 5,740,600 51,847,200 81,800,000
Chg from FY 2024 Orig Approp 0.00 276,800 45,000 9,100 330,900
% Chg from FY 2024 Orig Approp. 0.0% 1.2% 0.8% 0.0% 0.4%
Senator Van T. Burtenshaw
(208) 332-1342
Representative Miller
(208) 332-1061
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/05/2024, 1:57 PM