RS31429 / S1372
This appropriation to the Department of Agriculture provides enhancements to the FY 2025 maintenance
budget that includes for funding for 6.00 additional FTP and funding for a veterinarian in eastern Idaho,
dairy inspectors, seed lab personnel, to enhance the Idaho Preferred program, to build a storage facility, to
provide international trade support with Japan, for the resilient food systems grant, to provide CEC for fruit
and vegetable inspectors, for the Honey Commission, funding for quagga mussel, replacement items, and
additional 2% CEC. This bill also transfers $5,000,000 from the General Fund to the Invasive Species Fund
to be used for quagga mussels. This appropriation also includes a deficiency warrant that reimburses the
Department of Agriculture for prior fiscal year costs to survey and control pests on state and private lands
authorized under Chapters 19 and 20, Title 22, Idaho Code. This action provides for moneys from the General
Fund to be transferred to the Pest Control Deficiency Warrant Fund in the amount of $627,900.
This appropriation provides an additional $16,800,900 to the maintenance appropriation provided to the
Department of Agriculture found in Senate Bill 1270. Table 1 shows enhancements to the budget found in the
bill, of which the ongoing increase is $2,608,600, and the onetime increase is $14,192,300. Table 2 shows the
FY 2024 deficiency warrant and related transfer for the costs to survey and control pests on state and private
lands authorized under Chapters 19 and 20, Title 22, Idaho Code. Table 3 shows all the adjustments leading to
the FY 2025 Total Appropriation. The total budget for the Department of Agriculture is $61,947,400.
Table 1 FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
1. Eastern Idaho Veterinarian 1.00 145,500 69,500 0 215,000
2. Dairy Inspectors 2.00 0 284,600 0 284,600
3. Seed Lab Personnel 1.00 0 88,800 0 88,800
4. Idaho Preferred Operating Enhancement 0.00 67,500 0 0 67,500
5. Storage Building Construction 0.00 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000
6. International Trade Support with Japan 0.00 60,000 0 0 60,000
7. Resilient Food Systems Grant 0.00 0 0 6,184,900 6,184,900
8. CEC for Fruits and Veg. Inspectors 0.00 0 94,500 0 94,500
9. Honey Commission Increase 0.00 0 5,700 0 5,700
10. Grazing Improvement Project 0.00 0 0 0 0
11. Quagga Mussel Resources 2.00 6,569,900 5,000,000 0 11,569,900
Replacement Items 0.00 0 1,371,500 10,200 1,381,700
Additional 2% CEC 0.00 120,600 207,200 20,500 348,300
Revenue Adjustments and Cash Transfers 0.00 (5,000,000) 0 0 (5,000,000)
FY 2025 Budget Enhancement 6.00 1,963,500 8,621,800 6,215,600 16,800,900
% Chg from FY 2025 Maintenance 2.7% 15.0% 29.1% 83.0% 33.5%
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN REVISED: 02/28/2024, 10:32 AM
Table 2 FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2024 Original Appropriation 225.00 13,084,900 30,609,400 7,489,000 51,183,300
Deficiency Warrant & Transfer 0.00 0 0 0 0
FY 2024 Total Appropriation 225.00 13,084,900 30,609,400 7,489,000 51,183,300
Executive Carry Forward 0.00 0 593,600 0 593,600
FY 2024 Estimated Expenditures 225.00 13,084,900 31,203,000 7,489,000 51,776,900
Removal of Onetime Expenditures 0.00 (70,000) (1,633,600) 0 (1,703,600)
FY 2025 Base 225.00 13,014,900 29,569,400 7,489,000 50,073,300
Personnel Benefit Costs 0.00 (38,800) (84,700) (8,200) (131,700)
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 15,600 22,500 0 38,100
1% Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 56,600 99,800 10,400 166,800
FY 2025 Program Maintenance - SB 1270 225.00 13,048,300 29,607,000 7,491,200 50,146,500
FY 2025 Budget Enhancements 6.00 1,963,500 8,621,800 6,215,600 16,800,900
FY 2025 Total 231.00 15,011,800 38,228,800 13,706,800 66,947,400
Chg from FY 2024 Orig Approp 6.00 1,926,900 7,619,400 6,217,800 10,764,100
% Chg from FY 2024 Orig Approp. 2.7% 14.7% 24.9% 83.0% 30.8%
Janet E Jessup
Budget and Policy Analysis
(208) 334-4730
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN REVISED: 02/28/2024, 10:32 AM