RS31278 / H0539
Current state law regarding the handling of harassment, intimidation and bullying of students does little to
address those who are bullied; state law’s current focus is predominantly on bullies. State law currently requires
local school districts to report the number of bullying incidents to the state. While it is important to know how
much bullying is taking place, there is not much state policymakers can do with this simple quantification. Given
the relationship between those who are bullied and harm to self and others, this bill aims to better address the
needs of those who are bullied in addition to responding to those who do the bullying. This bill replaces a simple
end of year quantification and makes it one in which we know each incident is followed by an actual response,
not just observation. This bill would not come into effect until July 1, 2025 so that a group of stakeholders
led by the IDE can provide a proposed overdue update to Idaho Code 18-917A which defines harassment,
intimidation and bullying.
This legislation causes no additional expenditure of funds at the state or local level of government nor does it
cause an increase or decrease in revenue for state or local government, therefore the legislation has no fiscal
impact. The Idaho Department of Education can generate the materials and references lists with current staff.
Representative Chris Mathias
(208) 332-1000
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 02/09/2024, 9:44 AM
Statutes affected: Bill Text: 33-1631