RS31146 / S1277
As a result of the 2023 enactment of Title 19, Chapter 62, Idaho Code, Idaho’s judicial officers may now
request that public agencies not disclose their “Idaho residential street address and telephone number.” This
new law seeks to increase the safety of judges and their families by guarding against persons identifying the
location of a judge’s home. Since the location of a judicial officer’s home may also be identified by a legal
description contained in the deed to that property, this bill will also protect against public disclosure of such
a legal description. Specifically, this proposal sets forth an express definition of a judicial officer’s “Idaho
residential street address” to include a legal description of real estate containing the location of such address.
The addition of this specific definition provides clarity for both the judicial officers seeking to protect against
the disclosure of the location of their homes and the public agencies handling requests for records containing
information regarding such locations.
This proposed amendment will have no fiscal impact upon the General Fund, any other state fund, or local
governments. The proposed amendment sets forth a specific definition for public agencies handling certain
requests for records, and it will cause neither an increase nor decrease in existing or future appropriations or
Jason Slade Spillman, Legal Counsel,
Administrative Office of the Courts
(208) 334-2246
Representative Christopher M. Allgood
(208) 332-1000
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN REVISED: 03/11/2024, 4:12 PM