RS31067 / S1268
This is the FY 2025 Maintenance Appropriation for Health and Human Services. This bill includes
appropriations to the Department of Health and Welfare and the State Independent Living Council. The
appropriation includes standard adjustments for benefit costs, inflationary adjustments, statewide cost
allocation, and change in employee compensation. Finally, this maintenance does not include a maintenance
appropriation for the Indirect Support Services Division in the Department of Health and Welfare.
FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2024 Original
Appropriation 2,738.34 1,047,970,500 775,852,600 3,547,856,300 5,371,679,400
Removal of Onetime
Expenditures 0.00 (4,499,000) (30,649,000) (229,724,500) (264,872,500)
Base Adjustments 0.00 (69,600) 0 (23,091,600) (23,161,200)
FY 2025 Base 2,738.34 1,043,401,900 745,203,600 3,295,040,200 5,083,645,700
Personnel Benefit Costs 0.00 (653,800) (116,100) (700,700) (1,470,600)
Inflationary Adjustments 0.00 400 400 0 800
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 238,400 0 154,800 393,200
Change in Employee
Compensation 0.00 1,107,000 114,400 1,047,300 2,268,700
FY 2025 Program
Maintenance 2,738.34 1,044,093,900 745,202,300 3,295,541,600 5,084,837,800
Chg from FY 2024 Orig
Approp 0.00 (3,876,600) (30,650,300) (252,314,700) (286,841,600)
% Chg from FY 2024 Orig
Approp. 0.0% (0.4%) (4.0%) (7.1%) (5.3%)
Senator Carl J. Bjerke
(208) 334-1421
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN REVISED: 02/06/2024, 12:02 PM