RS30780 / H0380
This bill contains six actions related to fiscal year 2024. First, this bill transfers funds into the Public Defense
Fund, as a trailer appropriation to H236, H292, and H376 of 2023. Second, this bill appropriates the funds in
the Public Defense Fund to the State Tax Commission for public defenses at the county level of government.
Third, this bill directs the distribution of the funds in the Public Defense Fund to be distributed in accordance
with each counties portion of expenditures for indigent defense services in 2021, excluding any state funding
or grants. Fourth, this bill provides a cash transfer to the School District Facilities Fund for Fiscal year 2024
providing an additional $20 million for property tax relief. Fifth, this bill provides for continuous appropriation
of the School District Facilities Fund. Finally, this bill provides a cash transfer to the Sales Tax Distribution
Reserve Account, to be distributed to special purpose taxing districts for fiscal year 2024.
Section 1 provides a cash transfer of $36,000,000 from the General Fund to the Public Defense Fund.
Section 2 provides an appropriation to the State Tax Commission of $36,000,000 from the Public Defense Fund
for fiscal year 2024, to be used for public defense at the county level of government.
Section 4 provides a cash transfer of $20,000,000 from the General Fund to the School District Facilities Fund
for fiscal year 2024.
Section 6 provides a cash transfer of $2,000,000 from the General Fund to the Sales Tax Distribution Reserve
Account Fund, to be distributed to special purpose taxing districts.
Representative Wendy Horman
(208) 332-1071
Senator C. Scott Grow
(208) 332-1334
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/30/2023, 11:42 AM