RS30716 / S1207
This is the FY 2024 original appropriation bill for the Public Schools Educational Support Program's Division
of Children's Programs.
This division includes programs that provide direct educational or material benefits to children, where funding
does not primarily go to paying certificated teachers and administrators. It also includes programs that
specifically provide funding for the separate instruction of identified subgroups of children outside the normal
classroom of an Idaho public school. Funding is provided from both state and federal funds. This bill includes
adjustments for advanced opportunities, the Idaho Digital Learning Academy, and safe and drug free schools.
The bill restores content and curriculum funding and removes mastery-based education funding to offset costs
for dyslexia training. From federal COVID-19 relief funds, this bill includes funding for ESSER II, and III;
support for homeless children; and special education support.
Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2023 Original Appropriation 142,192,400 4,024,900 823,894,800 970,112,100
FY 2023 Total Appropriation 142,192,400 4,024,900 823,894,800 970,112,100
Removal of Onetime Expenditures 0 0 (584,894,800) (584,894,800)
FY 2024 Base 142,192,400 4,024,900 239,000,000 385,217,300
Nondiscretionary Adjustments (3,164,700) 300,000 0 (2,864,700)
FY 2024 Program Maintenance 139,027,700 4,324,900 239,000,000 382,352,600
1. Digital Content and Curriculum 1,600,000 0 0 1,600,000
8. Remove Mastery Based Funds (1,050,000) 0 0 (1,050,000)
18. ESSER II Funding 0 0 21,238,900 21,238,900
19. ESSER III Funding 0 0 277,005,700 277,005,700
20. Children Experiencing Homelessness 0 0 1,800,400 1,800,400
21. IDEA Part B Special Education 0 0 5,658,900 5,658,900
22. IDEA Part B Pre-K Special Education 0 0 649,500 649,500
23. Stronger Connections Grant 0 0 1,147,800 1,147,800
25. Special Education Maintenance 8,546,000 0 0 8,546,000
FY 2024 Total 148,123,700 4,324,900 546,501,200 698,949,800
Chg from FY 2023 Orig Approp 5,931,300 300,000 (277,393,600) (271,162,300)
% Chg from FY 2023 Orig Approp. 4.2% 7.5% (33.7%) (28.0%)
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/23/2023, 12:17 PM
Border Contracts $2,462,700 $2,462,700
Exceptional Contracts/Tuition Equivalents $6,448,100 $6,448,100
Idaho Digital Learning Academy $16,916,200 $19,719,900
Safe & Drug Free Schools $4,024,900 $4,324,900
Advanced Opportunities $32,968,400 $27,000,000
Mastery-Based Education $1,050,000 $0
Literacy Proficiency/Interventions $72,812,000 $72,812,000
Sub-Total Statutory Requirements $136,682,300 $132,767,600
Limited English Proficiency $4,820,000 $4,820,000
Content & Curriculum $4,715,000 $6,315,000
Traditional Federal Funds $313,000,000 $240,147,800
COVID-19 Relief Funds $510,894,800 $306,353,400
Special Education Maintenance Funding $0 $8,546,000
Sub-Total Other Distributions $833,429,800 $566,182,200
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS PER YEAR $970,112,100 $698,949,800
Senator Janie Ward-Engelking
(208) 332-1412
Representative James Petzke
(208) 332-1043
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/23/2023, 12:17 PM