RS30737 / H0363
This is the FY 2024 original approriation bill for the Division of Career Technical Education. It appropriates a
total of $103,296,800. The bill funds seven line items, which provides 6.00 FTP and $592,900 for additional
CTE persopnnel, 4.50 FTP and $581,800 for postsecondary staff, $131,700 for higher enrollment funding,
1.00 FTP and $910,700 for an apprenticeship grant, realignment of funds between programs in conjunction
with LUMA, $434,800 for firefighter training equipment, $15,000,000 for secondary and postsecondary CTE
program support, and $39,500 for human resource consolidation.
FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2023 Original Appropriation 553.64 73,192,000 552,800 10,493,800 84,238,600
Prior Year Reappropriation 0.00 10,030,000 0 200 10,030,200
FY 2023 Estimated Expenditures 553.64 83,222,000 552,800 10,494,000 94,268,800
Removal of Onetime Expenditures (1.00) (10,137,700) 0 (653,600) (10,791,300)
FY 2024 Base 552.64 73,084,300 552,800 9,840,400 83,477,500
Personnel Benefit Costs 0.00 422,400 0 9,800 432,200
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 19,800 0 0 19,800
Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 1,644,800 0 31,100 1,675,900
FY 2024 Program Maintenance 552.64 75,171,300 552,800 9,881,300 85,605,400
DHR Consolidation 0.00 31,600 0 7,900 39,500
1. Additional CTE Personnel 6.00 592,900 0 0 592,900
2. New Postsecondary Staff Support 4.50 581,800 0 0 581,800
3. Funding for Higher Enrollment 0.00 131,700 0 0 131,700
4. Apprenticeship Grant 1.00 0 0 910,700 910,700
5. Personnel Cost Realignment 0.00 0 0 0 0
6. Gov. Initiative - Firefighter Training
Grant 0.00 0 0 434,800 434,800
7. Additional CTE Program Support 0.00 0 15,000,000 0 15,000,000
Budget Law Exemptions/Other
Adjustments 0.00 0 0 0 0
FY 2024 Total 564.14 76,509,300 15,552,800 11,234,700 103,296,800
Chg from FY 2023 Orig Approp 10.50 3,317,300 15,000,000 740,900 19,058,200
% Chg from FY 2023 Orig Approp. 1.9% 4.5% 2,713.5% 7.1% 22.6%
Representative Steve Miller
(208) 332-1061
Senator Janie Ward-Engelking
(208) 332-1412
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/23/2023, 9:42 AM