RS30668 / S1181
This is the FY 2024 original appropriation bill for the Department of Water Resources. This budget includes
the appropriation for the Department of Water Resources, which administers water rights, performs regulatory
functions, and develops tools and resources to record and monitor Idaho's water supply; and the Idaho Water
Resource Board, which implements state water plan, financing water projects, sustainable management projects,
and long-term vision and policy. It appropriates a total of $81,469,100 and caps the number of authorized
full-time equivalent positions at 170.00. The bill funds two line items, which provide $716,000 for aquifer
monitoring and measuring; and 3.00 FTP and $332,500 for Bear River Basin Adjudication.
FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2023 Original Appropriation 168.00 22,521,200 5,658,600 101,804,500 129,984,300
FY 2023 Total Appropriation 168.00 22,521,200 5,658,600 101,804,500 129,984,300
Executive Carry Forward 0.00 104,800 0 0 104,800
FY 2023 Estimated Expenditures 168.00 22,626,000 5,658,600 101,804,500 130,089,100
Removal of Onetime Expenditures 0.00 (239,800) (6,000) (50,030,000) (50,275,800)
FY 2024 Base 168.00 22,386,200 5,652,600 51,774,500 79,813,300
Personnel Benefit Costs 0.00 94,200 32,500 5,100 131,800
Inflationary Adjustments 0.00 172,400 23,500 31,900 227,800
Replacement Items 0.00 286,500 9,000 0 295,500
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 158,600 22,600 0 181,200
Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 362,200 127,900 19,200 509,300
FY 2024 Program Maintenance 168.00 23,460,100 5,868,100 51,830,700 81,158,900
DHR Consolidation (1.00) 142,800 (172,500) 7,400 (22,300)
1. Aquifer Monitoring and Measuring 0.00 0 716,000 0 716,000
2. Bear River Basin Adjudication 3.00 332,500 0 0 332,500
Revenue Adjustments and Cash Transfers 0.00 0 (716,000) 0 (716,000)
FY 2024 Total 170.00 23,935,400 5,695,600 51,838,100 81,469,100
Chg from FY 2023 Orig Approp 2.00 1,414,200 37,000 (49,966,400) (48,515,200)
% Chg from FY 2023 Orig Approp. 1.2% 6.3% 0.7% (49.1%) (37.3%)
Senator Van T. Burtenshaw
(208) 332-1342
Representative Britt Raybould
(208) 332-1173
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/17/2023, 8:35 AM