RS30377 / H0163
This legislation would update Title 33 Chapter 60 in Idaho code regarding parental rights. It reinforces the
fundamental rights and responsibilities of parents or legal guardians as primary stakeholders to make decisions
regarding the upbringing of their child. This legislation encourages transparent communication between parents
and our schools.
There will be no fiscal impact to state or local governments.
Representative Judy Boyle
(208) 332-1000
Senator Ben Toews
(208) 332-1000
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 02/17/2023, 10:06 AM
Statutes affected: Bill Text: 33-6001