RS30310 / H0153
This Legislation directs the Idaho Board of Medicine to create a limited license for medical school graduates
who have not yet matched with a residency program and designate them as "bridge year physicians." These
bridge year physicians can fill gaps in Idaho’s current healthcare provider workforce. This bill establishes
license length, eligibility, qualifications, permitted duties and supervision requirements.
This legislation will have no impact on the state's general fund. Fees collected for the limited license will
offset any costs of administration required by the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
dedicated fund.
Representative Josh Wheeler
(208) 332-1000
Representative Chenele Dixon
(208) 332-1000
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 02/15/2023, 10:15 AM