This bill amends the Iowa Code regarding the Iowa propane education and research council by making significant changes to its structure and reporting requirements. It removes the definitions for energy star certification and weatherization, and eliminates the role of ex officio, nonvoting members from the council, while adding the state fire marshal as a member. The bill also modifies the appointment process for council members, requiring qualified propane industry organizations to directly appoint members instead of submitting a list to the fire marshal. Additionally, it mandates that new appointees serve two-year terms, with a requirement for at least four members to be appointed each year.

Furthermore, the bill alters the council's budget and reporting processes by removing the requirement to submit the proposed budget to the fire marshal for review. Instead, the council will now include its budget and audit findings in an annual report submitted to the general assembly and the auditor of state. The types of energy efficiency programs the council can develop are also revised, and the authority to establish quality standards for weatherization and appliance installation is removed. Overall, these changes aim to streamline the council's operations and enhance its accountability to the state legislature.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 101C.2, 101C.3, 101C.11