The Public Freedom, Liberty, American Greatness, and Spirit Act, also known as the Public FLAGS Act, establishes guidelines for the display of flags on and in public buildings, grounds, and vehicles in Iowa. The bill emphasizes that flags should reflect civic values and national and state unity. It specifies that public entities may only display certain flags, including those of the United States, the state of Iowa, and various local governmental entities, while prohibiting the display of any other flags on state or local government vehicles. Exceptions are made for public museums, schools, and universities, allowing them to display flags relevant to educational or commemorative purposes under specific conditions.
The bill imposes civil penalties of up to $10,000 for each day a public entity is found in violation of these provisions, with collected penalties directed to the veterans trust fund. Additionally, the state may withhold discretionary funds from entities that repeatedly violate the law. Public officials, administrators, or custodians who willfully and repeatedly violate the provisions may face disciplinary actions, including suspension or termination, as determined by their overseeing authority.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 1B.3