The bill establishes legal immunity for motocross facilities in Iowa regarding civil liability actions related to injuries or deaths resulting from inherent risks associated with motocross activities. It defines key terms such as "facility operator," "inherent risks of motocross activities," "motocross activity," and "participant." Under the new law, a motocross facility is not liable for injuries or deaths that occur during motocross activities, and participants or their representatives cannot file claims against the facility for such incidents. However, the bill outlines specific exceptions where liability may still apply, including cases of intentional harm, negligence, provision of unsafe equipment, or failure to exercise reasonable care.
Additionally, the bill mandates that all motocross facilities must post warning signs in visible locations, informing participants of the legal immunity provisions. The signs must include a specific warning notice regarding the facility's lack of liability for injuries resulting from inherent risks of motocross activities. Importantly, the bill clarifies that it does not alter existing claims or defenses under current law and does not affect any claims arising before the bill's effective date.