The proposed joint resolution seeks to amend the Constitution of the State of Iowa to establish a process for citizen initiatives to propose amendments. It allows citizens to collect signatures from qualified electors, requiring at least 10% of the total votes cast for governor in the last election, along with signatures from at least half of the counties, to submit a proposed amendment to the secretary of state. The resolution outlines the necessary procedures for gathering signatures, including the requirement for the petition to contain the full text of the proposed amendment and a statement indicating it is an initiative. Additionally, it mandates that arguments for and against the proposed amendment be published prior to the election.

The resolution also sets limitations on the types of amendments that can be proposed through this initiative process, specifically prohibiting initiatives that would create tax classifications, monopolies, or confer special commercial rights. If an initiative violates these limitations, voters must approve both the right to propose the amendment and the amendment itself for it to take effect. The Iowa Supreme Court is granted exclusive jurisdiction over challenges to the petitions and signatures, with a defined timeline for resolving such challenges. If adopted, the resolution will be published and referred to the next general assembly for further consideration before being submitted to the electorate for ratification.