The bill establishes a new program called the "work without worry program" under the medical assistance program specifically designed for employed individuals with disabilities. This program aims to provide these individuals with access to health care coverage while removing barriers related to income and resources that previously limited eligibility. The bill defines key terms such as "countable income," "disability," and "long-term services and supports," and outlines the intent of the General Assembly to facilitate employment for individuals who meet the definition of disability. The program will be administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and will include access to traditional Medicaid services, long-term services, and community-based services.
Eligibility for the program is broad, as it eliminates previous resource limits and income tests, allowing individuals receiving supplemental security income to be automatically eligible without a separate application. The monthly premium for the program is set at 6% of the individual's verified countable income, and individuals are required to report any changes in income. The bill also includes provisions for a six-month grace period for individuals who temporarily lose employment or face health crises, during which they must continue to pay premiums. HHS is tasked with adopting rules for program administration and submitting necessary requests to federal authorities to implement the program, which is effective immediately upon enactment.