This bill amends Section 321I.14 of the Iowa Code to provide an exception to the current law that prohibits operating an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) with more passengers than it was designed to carry. Under the existing law, individuals can only operate an ATV with additional passengers if it is part of a farm operation, and violations result in a simple misdemeanor with a fine of $135. The new provision allows for the operation of an ATV modified to carry one additional person, provided that the modification is either an aftermarket product or an original equipment manufacturer product specifically designed for that type of ATV and manufactured for commercial sale.
The bill aims to clarify the conditions under which an ATV can legally carry an additional passenger, thereby expanding the permissible use of ATVs while ensuring safety standards are met through the requirement for proper modifications. This change is intended to accommodate recreational use of ATVs while maintaining compliance with safety regulations.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 321I.14