The bill establishes a grant program within the Iowa Department of Justice specifically for nonprofit organizations that operate sexual assault forensic examination centers. The attorney general is tasked with contracting an eligible nonprofit organization to manage these centers, with the ability to terminate the contract for good cause after a hearing. To qualify for the contract, the nonprofit must be incorporated in Iowa, employ sexual assault nurse examiners, and maintain or be in the process of establishing treatment facilities dedicated to serving sexual assault survivors.

The contracting nonprofit organization is required to provide a range of services, including medical forensic services, to various populations such as adults, children, and underserved groups. Additionally, the organization must facilitate training for medical practitioners, law enforcement, and the public on sexual assault services and prevention. The bill emphasizes a cooperative approach to service delivery, involving professionals from various disciplines to address complex cases of sexual assault. It also allows the nonprofit to seek additional funding from other sources while clarifying that it is not considered a state agency under certain Iowa code chapters.