This bill amends existing laws regarding the compensation and roles of city officers, specifically focusing on volunteer fire fighters and emergency medical care providers. It clarifies that lawful compensation, including nominal stipends and benefits, is permissible for these individuals even if they hold multiple city positions, provided there is no conflict with other public offices. Additionally, it allows city council members to serve as chiefs of volunteer fire departments, contingent upon a majority council vote, while requiring them to abstain from voting on their own appointment.
Furthermore, the bill introduces provisions for cities to establish dedicated funds or reserve savings accounts for the acquisition and maintenance of major equipment related to police, fire, rescue, or emergency medical services. It mandates that any payments received for damaged equipment or vehicles must be deposited into these specific funds rather than the general fund, with allowances for reimbursement to the general fund if it was used for repairs. Any remaining funds at the end of the fiscal year can be transferred to a reserve savings account, which is designated for maintaining or acquiring major equipment.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 362.5, 85.61, 384.3