The bill amends Section 123.43 of the Iowa Code to expand the definition of "premises" for native distilleries to include noncontiguous locations. Specifically, it allows for additional locations that are separated from the main premises by public waterways, roads, or carrier rights-of-way, as well as locations in the same general area. Furthermore, it permits the inclusion of additional warehouses located outside the defined premises, provided these locations receive approval from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury.

This change aims to provide greater flexibility for native distilleries in Iowa by recognizing that their operational needs may require the use of multiple, noncontiguous sites. The bill clarifies that while the traditional definition of premises includes only contiguous areas, the new provisions will enable distilleries to expand their operations more effectively while still adhering to federal regulations.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 123.43