This bill establishes a grocer reinvestment program, a local produce processing grant program, and a grocer reinvestment and local food processing fund, all under the oversight of the economic development authority. The grocer reinvestment program aims to provide financial assistance in the form of grants to eligible grocery stores for various projects, including capital improvements, utility upgrades, and technology enhancements. To qualify for assistance, grocery stores must meet specific criteria, including organizational structure and project sustainability, and must provide matching funds. Priority will be given to projects in underserved communities that serve low or moderate-income residents and that support local food procurement.

Additionally, the bill creates a local produce processing grant program to support Iowa-based entities in increasing the availability and efficiency of local produce processing. Grants will only be awarded to entities that process produce from multiple Iowa-based farms. The bill also modifies the local food and farm program to include grocery stores and emphasizes the importance of retailing local food. To support these initiatives, the bill appropriates $2 million for each of the next two fiscal years to the newly established fund, which will be used for both the grocer reinvestment program and the local produce processing grant program.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 15.413, 267A.1, 267A.2