Senate Resolution 113 - Introduced
1 A Resolution honoring Senator Jeff Edler for his
2 service in the Iowa Senate.
3 WHEREAS, Senator Jeff Edler was first elected in
4 November 2016 and has proudly served in the Senate ever
5 since; and
6 WHEREAS, Senator Edler earned a bachelor of
7 science degree in agricultural studies from Iowa State
8 University and has worked as a farmer with his brother
9 since 1996, allowing him to bring valuable knowledge
10 and experience in farming and agriculture to the
11 Senate; and
12 WHEREAS, during his two terms in the Senate, Senator
13 Edler has worked tirelessly to expand access to health
14 care services to all citizens of Iowa, to protect
15 small businesses, and to protect the safety of all
16 Iowans; and
17 WHEREAS, his interest in health care access includes
18 service on the Children’s Behavioral Health System
19 State Board, the Council on Health and Human Services,
20 the Iowa Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council,
21 the Mental Health and Disability Services Commission,
22 and the Health Policy Oversight Committee; and
23 WHEREAS, Senator Edler was instrumental in reshaping
24 Iowa’s mental health system and creating the first
25 children’s mental health system in Iowa, as well
26 as merging the department of human services and the
27 department of public health, creating the behavioral
28 health services system, and instituting public welfare
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1 integrity changes; and
2 WHEREAS, Senator Edler has served on multiple
3 legislative committees during his time in the
4 Senate and has taken on leadership roles, including
5 Agriculture, Appropriations, Education (vice
6 chairperson), Local Government (chairperson), Health
7 and Human Services (chairperson), Judiciary, Veterans
8 Affairs, and Ways and Means standing committees,
9 and the Health and Human Services Appropriations
10 Subcommittee (vice chairperson); and
11 WHEREAS, Senator Edler has served on numerous other
12 boards and commissions and has also been very active
13 in his community by serving as the president of the
14 Consumers Energy Rural Electric Cooperative board of
15 directors, serving as an honorary member of the State
16 Center fire and emergency medical services department,
17 and remaining active in his church; and
18 WHEREAS, Senator Edler remains proud of his rural
19 roots and is grateful to the citizens of his district
20 for placing their trust in him, and looks forward
21 to spending more time with his wife, Stephanie, and
22 their six children, Wyatt, Whitney, Sienna, Elizabeth,
23 Aubrey, and Sawyer; NOW THEREFORE,
24 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, That the Senate honors
25 Senator Jeff Edler for his years of service in the Iowa
26 Senate, and wishes him all the best in the years to
27 come; and
28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the members of the
29 General Assembly and legislative staff thank Senator
30 Edler for providing sweet corn every summer and look
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1 forward to him continuing this annual tradition.
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