House File 2646 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to the use of certain moneys in the storage
2 tank management account of the groundwater protection fund,
3 and making appropriations.
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1 Section 1. Section 455E.11, subsection 2, paragraph d,
2 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as
3 follows:
4 A storage tank management account. All The account
5 shall consist of moneys appropriated to, transferred to, or
6 deposited in the account, including fees collected pursuant to
7 section 455B.473, subsection 5, and section 455B.479, shall
8 be deposited in the storage tank management account. Moneys
9 deposited in the account shall be expended for all of the
10 following purposes:
11 Sec. 2. Section 455E.11, subsection 2, paragraph d, Code
12 2024, is amended by adding the following new subparagraph:
13 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (1A) Moneys transferred under this Act to
14 the account are appropriated for the following purposes:
15 (a) For reimbursement to tank owners for all or part of the
16 costs of a corrective action for a petroleum release.
17 (b) For the appropriation to the department of agriculture
18 and land stewardship in the amount of two hundred fifty
19 thousand dollars for the purpose of inspecting fuel quality at
20 pipeline terminals and renewable fuel production facilities,
21 including associated salaries, support, maintenance, and
22 miscellaneous purposes.
23 (c) For permanent closure of an underground storage tank
24 system under a remedial program pursuant to section 455G.9,
25 for additional assessment and corrective action arising out of
26 releases at sites for which a certificate of no further action
27 has been issued, and for tank operator training. At least
28 three million dollars of the moneys expended pursuant to this
29 subparagraph shall be expended for this purpose.
30 Sec. 3. Section 455E.11, subsection 2, paragraph d,
31 subparagraph (2), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows:
32 (2) The moneys remaining in the account after the
33 appropriation appropriations in subparagraph subparagraphs (1)
34 and (1A) are appropriated from the storage tank management
35 account to the department of natural resources for the
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1 administration of a state storage tank program pursuant to
2 chapter 455B, subchapter IV, part 8, and for programs which
3 that reduce the potential for harm to the environment and the
4 public health from storage tanks.
5 Sec. 4. Section 455G.4, Code 2024, is amended by adding the
6 following new subsection:
7 NEW SUBSECTION. 7. Repeal. This section is repealed
8 December 31, 2025. On or before November 29, 2024, the
9 department of natural resources, in consultation with the
10 board, shall propose legislation to the general assembly to
11 strike or repeal provisions referencing the board and the Iowa
12 comprehensive petroleum underground storage tank fund created
13 in section 455G.3 throughout the Code.
14 Sec. 5. TRANSFER OF MONEYS. On the effective date of
15 this Act, all unencumbered and unobligated moneys in the
16 Iowa comprehensive petroleum underground storage tank fund
17 created in section 455G.3 are transferred to the storage tank
18 management account of the groundwater protection fund created
19 in section 455E.11.
21 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
22 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
23 This bill relates to the use of moneys in the storage tank
24 management account of the groundwater protection fund that are
25 transferred from the Iowa comprehensive petroleum underground
26 storage tank fund.
27 The groundwater protection fund includes four accounts
28 related to groundwater: the solid waste account, the
29 agriculture management account, the household hazardous waste
30 account, and the storage tank management account. The Iowa
31 comprehensive petroleum underground storage tank fund assists
32 owners and operators of petroleum underground storage tanks in
33 complying with federal regulations.
34 The bill transfers all unencumbered and unobligated moneys
35 in the Iowa comprehensive petroleum underground storage tank
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1 fund on the effective date of the bill to the storage tank
2 management account. The bill provides that moneys transferred
3 to the storage tank management account pursuant to the bill
4 shall be used to reimburse tank owners for the costs associated
5 with a corrective action for a petroleum release. Of the
6 moneys transferred from the Iowa comprehensive petroleum
7 underground storage tank fund to the storage tank management
8 account, at least $3 million shall be used for the permanent
9 closure of underground storage tank systems, actions arising
10 from sites where certificates of no further action have
11 been issued, and tank operator training, and $250,000 shall
12 be appropriated to the department of agriculture and land
13 stewardship for inspecting fuel quality at pipeline terminals
14 and renewable fuel production facilities.
15 The bill repeals the Iowa comprehensive petroleum
16 underground storage tank fund board (board) on December 31,
17 2025. The department of natural resources and the board shall
18 propose legislation to eliminate references to the board and
19 the Iowa comprehensive petroleum underground storage tank fund
20 on or before November 29, 2024.
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Statutes affected:
Introduced: 455E.11, 455B.473, 455G.9, 455G.4