House File 2538 - Enrolled
House File 2538
1 Section 1. Section 8.22, subsection 4, Code 2024, is amended
2 to read as follows:
3 4. Part IV —— Strategic plan. Part IV shall include an
4 explanation that correlates the budget with the enterprise
5 strategic plan adopted priorities established pursuant to
6 section 8E.204 8E.205. The budget shall provide an explanation
7 of appropriations recommended for the administration and
8 maintenance of an agency as defined in section 8E.103 with
9 the general evaluation of the agency in meeting enterprise
10 strategic goals priorities, including identifying goals that
11 require legislation.
12 Sec. 2. Section 8.23, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 2024,
13 is amended to read as follows:
14 b. The budget estimates for an agency as defined in
15 section 8E.103 shall be based on achieving goals contained
16 in the enterprise strategic plan priorities and the agency’s
17 strategic plan as provided for in chapter 8E. The estimates
18 shall be accompanied by a description of the measurable and
19 other results to be achieved by the agency. Performance
20 measures shall be based on the goals developed pursuant to
21 sections 8E.204, 8E.205, 8E.206, and 8E.208. The estimates
22 shall be accompanied by an explanation of the manner in which
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23 appropriations requested for the administration and maintenance
24 of the agency meet goals contained in the enterprise strategic
25 plan priorities and the agency’s strategic plan, including
26 identifying goals that require legislation.
27 Sec. 3. Section 8.35A, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended
28 to read as follows:
29 5. The department shall transmit the enterprise strategic
30 plan priorities and related information and an agency shall
31 transmit its agency strategic plan, performance report,
32 and related information as required by chapter 8E to the
33 legislative services agency.
34 Sec. 4. Section 8E.103, Code 2024, is amended by striking
35 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
1 8E.103 Definitions.
2 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
3 requires:
4 1. “Agency” means all departments or boards within the
5 executive branch, excluding agencies associated with elected
6 officials.
7 2. “Department” means the department of management.
8 Sec. 5. Section 8E.104, Code 2024, is amended to read as
9 follows:
10 8E.104 Administration.
11 The department shall oversee the administration of this
12 chapter in cooperation with agencies as provided in this
13 chapter. The department and shall adopt rules, guidance, and
14 guidelines as necessary in order to administer this chapter.
15 However, the state board of regents shall oversee and implement
16 the provisions of this chapter for institutions governed under
17 chapter 262. For purposes of this chapter, where records and
18 data are specifically required to support enterprise-wide
19 initiatives, planning or policy development, cross-agency
20 collaboration, or performance or risk assessments, each agency
21 shall share records or data with the department notwithstanding
22 any other provision of law restricting or limiting such
23 sharing. To the extent records obtained by the department
24 pursuant to this chapter are otherwise confidential under
25 law, the department shall maintain the confidentiality of the
26 records and shall only release statistical information derived
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27 from the records, and shall be subject to the same penalties as
28 the lawful custodian of the information, records, or data for
29 unlawful dissemination of the information, records, or data.
30 Sec. 6. Section 8E.201, Code 2024, is amended to read as
31 follows:
32 8E.201 Agency duties and powers.
33 Each agency shall administer the application of this chapter
34 to the agency in cooperation with the department. Each agency
35 shall measure and monitor operations and progress toward
1 achieving goals which relate to programs administered by the
2 agency pursuant to the enterprise strategic plan priorities,
3 the agency strategic plan, and the agency performance
4 operational plan.
5 Sec. 7. Section 8E.202, Code 2024, is amended by striking
6 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
7 8E.202 Access.
8 The department and each agency shall provide for the widest
9 possible dissemination of and access to agency strategic plans,
10 agency operational plans, data, and reports, while assuring
11 adequate protections are in place to safeguard sensitive
12 and confidential information and data. This section does
13 not require the department or an agency to publicly release
14 information which is classified as a confidential record under
15 law.
16 Sec. 8. Section 8E.204, Code 2024, is amended to read as
17 follows:
18 8E.204 Adoption and revision of an enterprise strategic plan
19 and agency Agency strategic plans.
20 1. The department, in consultation with agencies, shall
21 adopt an enterprise strategic plan. Each agency shall adopt
22 an agency strategic plan aligned with the enterprise strategic
23 plan priorities where possible. Plans must follow a format
24 and include elements as determined by the department in
25 consultation with agencies. The purposes of agency strategic
26 plans are to promote long-term and broad thinking, focus on
27 results for Iowans, and facilitate implementation of enterprise
28 priorities.
29 2. The department or an Each agency shall adopt and
30 revise a strategic plan which includes input from customers
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31 and stakeholders following an opportunity for broad public
32 participation in strategic planning. The department or an
33 agency developing or revising a strategic plan shall include
34 input from state employees, including written and oral
35 comments. Upon adoption of the enterprise strategic plan by
1 the department, the plan shall be disseminated to each agency
2 and made available to all state employees. Upon adoption of
3 the agency’s strategic plan, the agency shall provide the
4 department with a copy of the agency strategic plan and make
5 the strategic plan available to all agency employees. The
6 enterprise strategic plan and all All agency strategic plans
7 shall be available to the public.
8 3. The department and agencies shall annually review
9 the enterprise strategic plan. An agency shall conduct an
10 annual review of its agency strategic plan. Revisions in the
11 strategic plan may be prompted by a reexamination of enterprise
12 or agency priorities or the need to redirect state resources
13 based on new circumstances, including events or trends.
14 Sec. 9. Section 8E.205, Code 2024, is amended by striking
15 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
16 8E.205 Enterprise priorities.
17 The enterprise priorities, as established annually by the
18 governor, shall serve as a launch point for developing and
19 updating agency strategic plans and identifying the major areas
20 of focus in achieving the governor’s vision for the state of
21 Iowa.
22 Sec. 10. Section 8E.207, Code 2024, is amended by striking
23 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
24 8E.207 Agency operational plans.
25 Each agency shall develop a plan to guide its day-to-day
26 operations. The plan must outline the agency’s organizational
27 structure, the general duties of its organizational subunits,
28 and metrics and measures used to monitor operations, as well as
29 highlight initiatives and targets related to agency strategic
30 plan goals or other improvement goals. Agencies shall update
31 operational plans annually.
32 Sec. 11. Section 8E.208, Code 2024, is amended to read as
33 follows:
34 8E.208 Performance Metrics and measures, performance targets,
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35 and performance data.
1 1. The department, in consultation with agencies, shall
2 establish guidelines that will be used to create performance
3 measures, performance targets, and data sources for each agency
4 and each agency’s functions. Each agency shall identify,
5 collect, and maintain data for metrics and measures critical to
6 monitoring and assessing the performance of their operations.
7 2. Performance measurement Measurement is essential to
8 monitoring operations and ensuring adequate accountability
9 over public resources and the exchange of public resources
10 for desirable and acceptable public benefits. Performance
11 measurement must include an assessment of whether agencies
12 Each agency shall have adequate control procedures in place,
13 and be able to assess whether those control procedures are
14 operating effectively, to determine that agencies are receiving
15 or providing services of adequate quality, public resources are
16 being used effectively and efficiently, and public resources
17 are being used for appropriate and meaningful activities.
18 Sec. 12. Section 8E.209, Code 2024, is amended by striking
19 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
20 8E.209 Records and data.
21 Each agency is responsible for classifying records and data
22 to facilitate safeguarding its own information and making that
23 information available to appropriate audiences. The department
24 may review any records and data an agency collects, creates,
25 and maintains for purposes of monitoring their operations and
26 assessing performance. Upon the department’s request, an
27 agency shall provide the department with and routinely update
28 such records and data that support enterprise-wide initiatives,
29 planning or policy development, cross-agency collaboration, or
30 performance or risk assessments. Data must be as granular as
31 possible and include key dates and characteristics critical to
32 monitoring and assessing performance and facilitating insights.
33 Each agency shall provide data in a format required by the
34 department and update the data on a schedule appropriate for
35 the data.
1 Sec. 13. Section 8E.210, Code 2024, is amended to read as
2 follows:
3 8E.210 Reporting requirements.
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4 1. Each agency shall prepare an annual performance report
5 stating the agency’s reports highlighting progress in meeting
6 performance targets and achieving its goals consistent with
7 the enterprise strategic plan, based on measures and targets
8 outlined in its agency strategic plan, and its performance
9 operational plan using data. An annual performance report
10 shall include a description of how the agency has reallocated
11 human and material resources in the previous fiscal year.
12 The department, in conjunction with agencies, shall develop
13 guidelines for annual performance reports, including but not
14 limited to a reporting schedule. An agency may incorporate its
15 annual performance report into another report that the agency
16 is required to submit to the department.
17 2. The annual performance reporting Reporting required
18 under this section shall be used to improve performance,
19 improve strategic planning and policy decision making, better
20 allocate human and material resources, recognize superior
21 performance, and inform Iowans about their return from
22 investment in state government.
23 Sec. 14. REPEAL. Sections 8E.105, 8E.203, and 8E.206, Code
24 2024, are repealed.
______________________________ ______________________________
Speaker of the House President of the Senate
I hereby certify that this bill originated in the House and
is known as House File 2538, Ninetieth General Assembly.
Chief Clerk of the House
Approved _______________, 2024 ______________________________
Statutes affected: Introduced: 8.22, 8E.103, 8E.104, 8E.201, 8E.202, 8E.204, 8E.205, 8E.207, 8E.208, 8E.209, 8E.210
Enrolled: 8.22, 8E.103, 8E.104, 8E.201, 8E.202, 8E.204, 8E.205, 8E.207, 8E.208, 8E.209, 8E.210