House Study Bill 714 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to school funding, including the teacher salary
2 supplement cost per pupil and teacher and education support
3 professional compensation, and making appropriations.
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1 Section 1. Section 257.10, subsection 9, paragraphs a and d,
2 Code 2024, are amended to read as follows:
3 a. (1) For the budget year beginning July 1, 2009, the
4 department of management shall add together the teacher
5 compensation allocation made to each district for the fiscal
6 year beginning July 1, 2008, pursuant to section 284.13,
7 subsection 1, paragraph “h”, Code 2009, and the phase II
8 allocation made to each district for the fiscal year beginning
9 July 1, 2008, pursuant to section 294A.9, Code 2009, and divide
10 that sum by the district’s budget enrollment in the fiscal
11 year beginning July 1, 2009, to determine the teacher salary
12 supplement district cost per pupil. For the budget year
13 beginning July 1, 2010, and succeeding budget years beginning
14 before July 1, 2024, the teacher salary supplement district
15 cost per pupil for each school district for a budget year
16 is the teacher salary supplement program district cost per
17 pupil for the base year plus the teacher salary supplement
18 supplemental state aid amount for the budget year.
19 (2) (a) For the budget year beginning July 1, 2024, the
20 department of management shall calculate for each school
21 district a teacher salary supplement district cost per pupil
22 amount based on the sum of the following:
23 (i) An amount necessary to allow the school district to
24 provide a minimum teacher starting salary of forty-seven
25 thousand five hundred dollars in accordance with the
26 requirements of chapter 284, including costs associated with
27 the employer’s share of contributions to the Iowa public
28 employees’ retirement system and the employer’s share of the
29 tax imposed by the federal Insurance Contributions Act.
30 (ii) An amount necessary to allow the school district
31 to provide an hourly wage of fifteen dollars per hour for
32 education support personnel, including costs associated with
33 the employer’s share of contributions to the Iowa public
34 employees’ retirement system and the employer’s share of
35 the tax imposed by the federal Insurance Contributions Act.
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1 However, if the amount calculated under this subparagraph
2 subdivision for all school districts exceeds fourteen million
3 dollars, the department of management shall proportionally
4 reduce the amount calculated for school districts, based on the
5 original calculation, so that the total amount calculated for
6 all school districts is fourteen million dollars.
7 (b) For the budget year beginning July 1, 2025, the
8 department of management shall calculate for each school
9 district a teacher salary supplement district cost per pupil
10 amount based on the sum of the following:
11 (i) An amount necessary to allow the school district to
12 provide a minimum teacher starting salary of fifty thousand
13 dollars in accordance with the requirements of chapter 284,
14 including costs associated with the employer’s share of
15 contributions to the Iowa public employees’ retirement system
16 and the employer’s share of the tax imposed by the federal
17 Insurance Contributions Act.
18 (ii) To allow each school district to provide an hourly wage
19 of fifteen dollars per hour to education support personnel, the
20 amount calculated for the base year under subparagraph division
21 (a), subparagraph subdivision (ii), after the reduction if
22 applicable, plus the product of that same amount multiplied
23 by the categorical percent of growth under section 257.8,
24 subsection 2, for the budget year.
25 (3) For the budget year beginning July 1, 2026, and
26 succeeding budget years, the teacher salary supplement district
27 cost per pupil for each school district for a budget year
28 is the teacher salary supplement program district cost per
29 pupil for the base year plus the teacher salary supplement
30 supplemental state aid amount for the budget year.
31 d. For the budget year beginning July 1, 2010, and
32 succeeding budget years, the use of the funds calculated under
33 this subsection or available for use as provided in subsection
34 10, paragraph “d”, subsection 12, paragraph “d”, or section
35 257.46, subsection 3, shall be distributed to teachers pursuant
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1 to section 284.3A and shall comply in compliance with the
2 requirements of chapter 284 related to such distribution under
3 section 284.3A and may be distributed to education support
4 personnel as described in paragraph “a”.
5 Sec. 2. Section 257.10, subsection 9, Code 2024, is amended
6 by adding the following new paragraph:
7 NEW PARAGRAPH. e. For purposes of this subsection,
8 “education support personnel” means regular and part-time
9 employees of a school district who are not salaried.
10 Sec. 3. Section 257.10, subsection 12, paragraph d, Code
11 2024, is amended to read as follows:
12 d. Except as otherwise allowed under this paragraph, for
13 the budget year beginning July 1, 2014, and succeeding budget
14 years, the use of the funds calculated under this subsection
15 shall comply with the requirements of chapter 284 and shall
16 be distributed to teachers pursuant to section 284.15. The
17 funds shall be used only to increase the payment for a teacher
18 assigned to a leadership role pursuant to a framework or
19 comparable system approved pursuant to section 284.15; to
20 increase the percentages of teachers assigned to leadership
21 roles; to increase the minimum teacher starting salary to
22 thirty-three thousand five hundred dollars the amount described
23 in section 284.15, subsection 2, paragraph “a”, subparagraph
24 (1); to cover the costs for the time mentor and lead teachers
25 are not providing instruction to students in a classroom;
26 for coverage of a classroom when an initial or career
27 teacher is observing or co-teaching with a teacher assigned
28 to a leadership role; for professional development time to
29 learn best practices associated with the career pathways
30 leadership process; and for other costs associated with a
31 framework or comparable system approved by the department of
32 education under section 284.15 with the goals of improving
33 instruction and elevating the quality of teaching and student
34 learning. If all requirements for the school district for
35 the use of funds calculated under this subsection are met
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1 and funds received under this subsection remain unexpended
2 and unobligated at the end of a fiscal year beginning on or
3 after July 1, 2020, the school district may transfer all or a
4 portion of such unexpended and unobligated funds for deposit
5 in the school district’s flexibility account established
6 under section 298A.2, subsection 2. At the end of a fiscal
7 year beginning on or after July 1, 2022, school districts may
8 use all or a portion of funds under this subsection for the
9 purposes authorized under subsection 9, paragraph “d”, and,
10 notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, school
11 districts shall not be required to participate in or comply
12 with section 284.15 in order to continue to receive funding
13 under this subsection.
14 Sec. 4. Section 284.15, subsection 2, paragraph a,
15 subparagraph (1), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows:
16 (1) (a) The For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, the
17 salary for an initial teacher who has successfully completed an
18 approved practitioner preparation program as defined in section
19 256.145 or holds an initial or intern teacher license issued
20 under chapter 256, subchapter VII, part 3, shall be at least
21 thirty-three forty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, which
22 shall also constitute the minimum salary for an Iowa teacher.
23 (b) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025, and each
24 subsequent fiscal year, the salary for an initial teacher who
25 has successfully completed an approved practitioner preparation
26 program as defined in section 256.145 or holds an initial or
27 intern teacher license issued under chapter 256, subchapter
28 VII, part 3, shall be at least fifty thousand dollars, which
29 shall also constitute the minimum salary for an Iowa teacher.
30 Sec. 5. Section 284.16, subsection 1, paragraph a,
31 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as
32 follows:
33 The For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, the beginning
34 teacher shall be paid not less than thirty-three forty-seven
35 thousand five hundred dollars and. For the fiscal year
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1 beginning July 1, 2025, and each subsequent fiscal year, the
2 beginning teacher shall be paid not less than fifty thousand
3 dollars. Each beginning teacher shall meet the following
4 requirements:
5 Sec. 6. Section 284.17, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended
6 to read as follows:
7 1. a. A For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, the
8 minimum salary of thirty-three forty-seven thousand five
9 hundred dollars for a full-time teacher.
10 b. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025, and each
11 subsequent fiscal year, the minimum salary of fifty thousand
12 dollars for a full-time teacher.
14 2024-2025.
15 1. There is appropriated from the general fund of the state
16 to the department of education for the fiscal year beginning
17 July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, twenty-two million
18 dollars to make all payments to school districts required under
19 subsection 2.
20 2. a. Moneys appropriated to the department of education
21 under subsection 1 shall be used to provide a funding
22 supplement to each school district during the fiscal year
23 beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025.
24 b. Each school district’s funding supplement amount shall
25 be equal to twenty-two million dollars multiplied by the
26 quotient of the school district’s budget enrollment for the
27 budget year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024,
28 divided by the statewide total budget enrollment for the budget
29 year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024.
30 c. Moneys received by a school district under this section
31 shall be miscellaneous income for purposes of chapter 257 and
32 shall not be included in district cost.
33 d. The school district funding supplement received by a
34 school district under this section shall be used at the school
35 district’s discretion to supplement teacher salaries and the
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1 salaries and wages of education support personnel in a manner
2 that promotes quality teaching and rewards experience.
3 3. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys appropriated in
4 this section that remain unencumbered or unobligated at the
5 close of the fiscal year shall not revert but shall remain
6 available for expenditure for the purposes designated until the
7 close of the succeeding fiscal year.
8 4. The payment of funding supplement amounts under this
9 section shall be paid by the department of education at
10 the same time and in the same manner as the teacher salary
11 supplement is paid under section 257.10, subsection 9, for the
12 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025.
14 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
15 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
16 This bill relates to school funding, including the teacher
17 salary supplement cost per pupil and teacher and education
18 support professional compensation.
19 Currently, Code chapter 284 (teacher compensation) provides
20 that the minimum annual salary for an initial teacher who has
21 successfully completed an approved practitioner preparation
22 program or holds an initial or intern teacher license issued
23 by the board of educational examiners (BOEE) shall be at least
24 $33,500. For the 2024-2025 school year, the bill increases the
25 minimum teacher starting salary to $47,500. For school years
26 beginning on or after July 1, 2026, the bill increases the
27 minimum teacher starting salary to $50,000.
28 The bill defines “education support personnel” as regular
29 and part-time employees of a school district who are not
30 salaried.
31 For the budget year beginning July 1, 2024, the department of
32 management must calculate a teacher salary supplement district
33 cost per pupil in an amount equal to the sum of the amount
34 necessary to allow the school district to provide the minimum
35 starting teacher salary and the amount necessary, not to exceed
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1 $14 million in the aggregate among all school districts, to
2 allow each school district to provide a minimum education
3 support personnel (ESP) wage of $15 per hour including costs
4 associated with the employer’s share of contributions to the
5 Iowa public employees’ retirement system and the employer’s
6 share of the tax imposed by the federal Insurance Contributions
7 Act. The bill requires similar calculations in the budget year
8 beginning July 1, 2025, to account for the increase in the
9 minimum annual teacher salary. The bill also provides that the
10 amount calculated related to ESP shall grow by the categorical
11 state percent of growth. For budget years beginning on or
12 after July 1, 2026, the teacher salary supplement district cost
13 per pupil for each school district for a budget year is the
14 teacher salary supplement program district cost per pupil for
15 the base year plus the teacher salary supplement supplemental
16 state aid amount for the budget year, which is the calculation
17 used for the budget year 2023-2024.
18 The bill appropriates $22 million to the department of
19 education (DE) for FY 2024-2025 to provide a funding supplement
20 to each school district to be used at the school district’s
21 discretion to supplement teacher salaries and the salaries and
22 wages of ESP in a manner that promotes quality teaching and
23 rewards experience. Each school district’s funding supplement
24 amount will be an amount equal to $22 million multiplied by
25 the quotient of the school district’s budget enrollment for
26 the budget year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30,
27 2024, divided by the statewide total budget enrollment for the
28 budget year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024.
29 The moneys appropriated to the DE that remain unencumbered or
30 unobligated at the close of the fiscal year do not revert but
31 remain available for expenditure for the purposes designated
32 until the close of the succeeding fiscal year. The payment of
33 funding supplement amounts must be paid by the DE at the same
34 time and in the same manner as the teacher salary supplement
35 district cost is paid for FY 2024-2025.
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1 The bill makes conforming changes.
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Statutes affected: Introduced: 257.10, 284.15, 256.145, 284.17