House File 2427 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to the opioid settlement fund, creating the
2 opioid settlement future fund, establishing the opioid
3 epidemic response advisory council, making appropriations,
4 and including effective date provisions.
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1 Section 1. Section 12.51, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2024,
2 are amended to read as follows:
3 1. An opioid settlement fund is created in the office
4 of the treasurer of state. The fund shall be separate from
5 the general fund of the state and the balance in the fund
6 shall not be considered part of the balance of the general
7 fund of the state. The On or after the effective date of
8 this Act, one-half of the state portion of any moneys paid to
9 the state as a result of a national settlement of litigation
10 with entities that manufactured, marketed, sold, distributed,
11 dispensed, or promoted opioids, made in connection with
12 claims arising from the manufacturing, marketing, selling,
13 distributing, dispensing, or promoting of opioids, shall be
14 deposited in the fund. This subsection does not apply to such
15 moneys paid to the state that are earmarked for or otherwise
16 required to be transferred or distributed to counties, cities,
17 or other local governmental entities.
18 2. Moneys in the fund shall not be transferred, used,
19 obligated, appropriated, or otherwise encumbered except as
20 provided in this section. Moneys in the fund shall only be
21 used pursuant to appropriations from the fund by the general
22 assembly for purposes of abating the opioid crisis in this
23 state, which may include but are not limited to the purposes
24 specified in section 135.190A for moneys in the opioid
25 antagonist medication fund and the purposes specified in
26 chapter 123B. Moneys in the fund shall not be used for the
27 purposes specified in chapter 123B after the state has received
28 all moneys from the settlement described in subsection 1.
29 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION. 12.52 Opioid settlement future fund.
30 1. a. An opioid settlement future fund is created in the
31 office of the treasurer of state. The fund shall be separate
32 from the general fund of the state and the balance in the fund
33 shall not be considered part of the balance of the general
34 fund of the state. On or after the effective date of this
35 Act, one-half of the state portion of any moneys paid to
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1 the state as a result of a national settlement of litigation
2 with entities that manufactured, marketed, sold, distributed,
3 dispensed, or promoted opioids, made in connection with
4 claims arising from the manufacturing, marketing, selling,
5 distributing, dispensing, or promoting of opioids, shall be
6 deposited in the fund. This subsection does not apply to such
7 moneys paid to the state that are earmarked for or otherwise
8 required to be transferred or distributed to counties, cities,
9 or other local governmental entities.
10 b. On the effective date of this Act, the treasurer of state
11 shall transfer half of the moneys in the opioid settlement
12 fund, created pursuant to section 12.51, on the effective date
13 of this Act to the opioid settlement future fund.
14 2. Moneys in the fund shall not be transferred, used,
15 obligated, appropriated, or otherwise encumbered except as
16 provided in this section. Interest and earnings in the fund
17 shall only be used pursuant to appropriations from the fund by
18 the general assembly for purposes of abating the opioid crisis
19 in this state, which may include but are not limited to the
20 purposes specified in chapter 123B.
21 3. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys in the fund
22 that remain unencumbered or unobligated at the close of a
23 fiscal year shall not revert. Notwithstanding section 12C.7,
24 subsection 2, interest or earnings on moneys in the fund shall
25 be credited to the fund.
26 Sec. 3. NEW SECTION. 123B.1 Opioid epidemic response
27 advisory council.
28 1. a. The opioid epidemic response advisory council is
29 established to develop and implement a comprehensive and
30 effective statewide effort to address the opioid addiction and
31 overdose epidemic in Iowa. The council shall consist of the
32 following members, appointed by the director of the department
33 of health and human services, except as otherwise provided:
34 (1) Two members of the house of representatives, one
35 appointed by the speaker of the house and one appointed by the
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1 minority leader of the house, who shall serve as ex officio,
2 nonvoting members.
3 (2) Two members of the senate, one appointed by the
4 president of the senate and one appointed by the minority
5 leader of the senate, who shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting
6 members.
7 (3) One member appointed by the board of pharmacy.
8 (4) One member who is a physician and surgeon or
9 osteopathic physician and surgeon appointed by the Iowa medical
10 association.
11 (5) One member who represents an opioid treatment program,
12 sober living program, or substance use disorder program.
13 (6) One member appointed by the Iowa association of
14 addiction professionals who is a psychiatrist specializing in
15 the treatment of addiction.
16 (7) One member appointed by the commissioner of the
17 department of public safety.
18 (8) One member who represents nonprofit organizations
19 conducting initiatives to address the opioid epidemic.
20 (9) One member appointed by the Iowa emergency medical
21 services association who is serving with an ambulance service
22 as an emergency medical care provider.
23 (10) One member who represents the Iowa courts who is a
24 judge.
25 (11) One member who is a resident of this state and who is
26 in opioid addiction recovery.
27 (12) One member appointed by the director of the office of
28 drug control policy.
29 (13) One member who is a mental health advocate.
30 (14) One member who represents the Iowa hospital
31 association.
32 (15) One member who represents a local health department.
33 (16) The directors of the departments of health and human
34 services, corrections, and management, the attorney general,
35 and the state public defender, or their designees, who shall
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1 serve as ex officio, nonvoting members.
2 b. The director of the department of health and human
3 services shall coordinate the director’s appointments to
4 provide, to the extent practicable, geographic, racial, and
5 gender diversity.
6 c. The council shall annually elect a chair.
7 d. The chair shall convene the council at least quarterly,
8 and the chair may convene the council at other times as
9 necessary. The chair shall convene meetings at different
10 locations in the state to provide geographic access and may
11 conduct all meetings, other than one meeting per year, remotely
12 by electronic means.
13 e. The department of health and human services shall provide
14 staffing and administrative support to the council.
15 f. The director of the department of health and human
16 services shall convene the first meeting of the council no
17 later than August 1, 2024.
18 g. An advisory council member shall disclose to the council,
19 refrain from participating in discussions, and abstain from
20 voting on any matter before the council if the member has a
21 conflict of interest. For the purposes of this paragraph, a
22 conflict of interest is a financial association that has the
23 potential to bias or have the appearance of biasing a council
24 member’s decision related to council activities under this
25 chapter.
26 2. The council shall focus on all of the following:
27 a. Primary prevention, secondary prevention, early
28 intervention, and education, including public education and
29 awareness for adults and youth, prescriber education, the
30 development and sustainability of opioid overdose prevention
31 and education programs, and the role of adult protective
32 services in prevention and response.
33 b. Training on the treatment of opioid addiction, including
34 the use of all approved opioid addiction medications,
35 detoxification, relapse prevention, patient assessment,
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1 individual treatment planning, counseling, recovery supports,
2 diversion control, and other best practices.
3 c. The expansion and enhancement of a continuum of care
4 for opioid-related substance use disorders, including primary
5 prevention, early intervention, treatment, recovery, and
6 aftercare services.
7 d. Supporting efforts to prevent or reduce deaths from
8 opioid overdoses or other opioid-related harms, including
9 through increasing the availability or distribution of naloxone
10 or other opioid antagonists for use by a family member, friend,
11 caregiver, health care provider, employee of a substance abuse
12 treatment facility, school employee, or other person who may be
13 in a place to render aid to a person at risk of experiencing an
14 opioid-related overdose.
15 3. The council shall do all of the following:
16 a. Review local, state, and federal initiatives and
17 activities related to education, prevention, treatment, and
18 services for individuals and families experiencing and affected
19 by opioid use disorder.
20 b. Establish priorities to address the state’s opioid
21 epidemic for the purposes of recommending initiatives to fund.
22 c. Recommend to the legislative council specific projects
23 and initiatives to be funded.
24 (1) Until such time as all opioid settlement moneys have
25 been received by the state, the council shall recommend grants
26 to be appropriated from the opioid settlement fund created
27 in section 12.51. The council shall not recommend grants in
28 excess of the balance of the opioid settlement fund.
29 (2) After all settlement moneys have been received by the
30 state, the council shall recommend grants to be appropriated
31 from the opioid settlement future fund created in section
32 12.52. The council shall not recommend grants in excess of the
33 interest held in the opioid settlement future fund.
34 d. Ensure that available funding is allocated to align with
35 other local, state, and federal funding to achieve the greatest
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1 impact and ensure a coordinated state effort.
2 e. Consult with the directors of the departments of health
3 and human services and management to develop measurable
4 outcomes to determine the effectiveness of funds allocated.
5 f. Develop recommendations for an administrative and
6 organizational framework for the allocation, on a sustainable
7 and ongoing basis, of moneys deposited in the opioid settlement
8 fund created pursuant to section 12.51 and the opioid
9 settlement future fund created pursuant to section 12.52 in
10 order to address the opioid abuse and overdose epidemic in Iowa
11 and the areas of focus specified in subsection 2.
12 4. The council, in consultation with the director of the
13 department of health and human services, shall select from the
14 projects awarded grants pursuant to section 123B.2, projects
15 that include promising practices or theory-based activities
16 for which the director of the department of health and human
17 services shall conduct additional research and experimental
18 evaluation. A project selected pursuant to this subsection
19 must be administered to support the research and experimental
20 evaluation, and the grantee must collect and report information
21 that is needed to complete the research and experimental
22 evaluation.
23 5. The council, in consultation with the directors of the
24 departments of health and human services and public safety,
25 shall establish goals related to addressing the opioid epidemic
26 and determine a baseline against which progress shall be
27 monitored and set measurable outcomes, including benchmarks.
28 The goals established must include goals for prevention and
29 public health, access to treatment, and multigenerational
30 impacts. The council shall use existing measures and data
31 collection systems to determine baseline data against which
32 progress shall be measured. The council shall include
33 the proposed goals, the measurable outcomes, and proposed
34 benchmarks in the council’s initial report to the general
35 assembly pursuant to section 123B.3, subsection 1.
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1 Sec. 4. NEW SECTION. 123B.2 Opioid epidemic response
2 grants.
3 1. The legislative council shall award grants from the
4 opioid settlement fund created pursuant to section 12.51 to
5 proposals selected by the advisory council that address the
6 priorities identified in section 123B.1, subsection 2. No more
7 than three percent of each grant awarded shall be used by a
8 grantee for administration.
9 2. The chairperson of the opioid epidemic response advisory
10 council shall submit a report of the grants proposed to be
11 awarded for the upcoming fiscal year by the advisory council
12 to the general assembly by December 1, 2024, and annually by
13 December 1 thereafter.
14 Sec. 5. NEW SECTION. 123B.3 Opioid epidemic response
15 advisory council —— reports.
16 1. The opioid epidemic response advisory council shall
17 annually submit a report to the general assembly by January
18 31, regarding individual projects that received grants and the
19 overall role of the project in addressing the opioid addiction
20 and overdose epidemic in Iowa. The report shall describe the
21 grantees and the activities implemented, along with measurable
22 outcomes as determined by the council in consultation with the
23 director of the department of health and human services. At a
24 minimum, the report shall include information about the number
25 of individuals who received information or treatment, the
26 outcomes individuals achieved and demographic information about
27 the individuals participating in the project; an assessment of
28 the progress toward achieving statewide access to qualified
29 providers and comprehensive treatment and recovery services;
30 and an update on the evaluations implemented by the director of
31 the department of health and human services for the promising
32 practices and theory-based projects that receive funding.
33 2. The director of the department of health and human
34 services, in consultation with the opioid epidemic response
35 advisory council, shall report to the general assembly when
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1 an evaluation described in section 123B.1, subsection 4, is
2 complete. The report shall include demographic information;
3 outcome information for the individuals in the program; the
4 results of the program in promoting recovery, employment, and
5 family reunification; reducing involvement in the criminal
6 justice system; and other relevant outcomes. The report shall
7 include information about the ability of grant programs to be
8 scaled to achieve statewide results.
9 3. The opioid epidemic response advisory council, in
10 its annual report due by January 31, 2030, shall include
11 recommendations on whether appropriations and grants pursuant
12 to this chapter should be continued, adjusted, or discontinued,
13 whether funding should be appropriated for other purposes
14 related to opioid abuse prevention, and on the appropriate
15 level of funding for existing and new uses.
16 Sec. 6. NEW SECTION. 123B.4 Standing appropriation.
17 There is appropriated annually from the opioid settlement
18 fund created pursuant to section 12.51 to the department of
19 health and human services two hundred forty-nine thousand
20 dollars for the provision of administrative services to
21 the opioid epidemic response advisory council and for the
22 administration of grants awarded pursuant to section 123B.2.
24 is appropriated from the opioid settlement fund created in
25 section 12.51 to the department of health and human services
26 for