House Study Bill 689 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to and making appropriations from the opioid
2 settlement fund.
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2 2024-2025.
3 1. There is appropriated from the opioid settlement fund
4 created in section 12.51 to the department of health and human
5 services for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending
6 June 30, 2025, the following amounts, or so much thereof as is
7 necessary, to be used for the purposes designated:
8 a. For prevention activities including all of the
9 following:
10 (1) For opioid use prevention and awareness, and naloxone
11 distribution:
12 .................................................. $ 1,550,000
13 (2) To be used by the department of health and human
14 services, in collaboration with the department of public
15 safety, for syndromic surveillance of opioid use and overdose
16 mapping activities:
17 .................................................. $ 650,000
18 (3) For the department of health and human services
19 to contract with a third-party vendor to address opioid
20 prescription prevention in medical settings:
21 .................................................. $ 1,000,000
22 b. For treatment activities, to expand mobile crisis
23 services in local communities related to substance use:
24 .................................................. $ 500,000
25 c. For recovery activities including all of the following:
26 (1) For a peer support overdose response program:
27 .................................................. $ 1,000,000
28 (2) For a recovery provider infrastructure grant program to
29 expand the number of recovery providers in the state:
30 .................................................. $ 8,000,000
31 (3) For a youth substance use treatment and recovery campus
32 in a central Iowa county with a population between 98,000 and
33 99,000 based on the 2020 federal decennial census:
34 .................................................. $ 3,000,000
35 2. There is appropriated from the opioid settlement fund
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1 created in section 12.51 to the Iowa finance authority, in
2 consultation with the department of health and human services,
3 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30,
4 2025, the following amount, or so much thereof as is necessary,
5 to be used for the purposes designated:
6 For a recovery housing infrastructure grant program to
7 expand the availability of recovery housing in the state:
8 .................................................. $ 3,000,000
9 3. There is appropriated from the opioid settlement fund
10 created in section 12.51 to Iowa workforce development for the
11 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025,
12 the following amount, or so much thereof as is necessary, to be
13 used for the purposes designated:
14 For a scholarship program for individuals who are either
15 seeking treatment or are in active recovery, and for a
16 workforce training program to provide on-the-job training
17 or wage enhancements for individuals who are either seeking
18 treatment or are in active recovery:
19 .................................................. $ 1,500,000
20 4. The department of health and human services, the Iowa
21 finance authority, and Iowa workforce development may expend
22 up to 2.5 percent of the respective funds appropriated to each
23 entity for administrative costs.
24 5. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys appropriated under
25 this section that remain unencumbered or unexpended at the
26 close the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, shall not revert
27 but shall remain available for expenditure for the purposes
28 designated in succeeding fiscal years.
29 6. The department of health and human services, the Iowa
30 finance authority, and Iowa workforce development shall do all
31 of the following:
32 a. To the extent necessary, adopt rules pursuant to chapter
33 17A to administer the activities as prescribed under this
34 section.
35 b. Submit a report to the general assembly by December 1,
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1 2024, and each year thereafter until all funding appropriated
2 under this section is expended, detailing the parameters and
3 outcomes of the respective activities funded and the amounts
4 expended for each activity.
6 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
7 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
8 This bill appropriates moneys from the opioid settlement
9 fund created in Code section 12.51 to the department of
10 health and human services, the Iowa finance authority, and
11 Iowa workforce development for specified opioid prevention,
12 treatment, recovery, and infrastructure activities. The
13 departments are required to adopt administrative rules as
14 necessary to develop and administer the activities that are
15 funded under the bill, and to submit a report, annually until
16 all moneys appropriated are expended, to the general assembly
17 detailing the parameters and outcomes of the activities funded
18 and the amounts expended for each activity.
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