Senate File 2202 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to a proclamation of disaster emergency and the
2 disaster aid contingent fund.
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1 Section 1. Section 29C.6, subsection 17, paragraph a, Code
2 2024, is amended to read as follows:
3 a. When the president of the United States has declared a
4 major disaster to exist in the state or any other emergency
5 financial assistance is provided by the federal government, and
6 upon the governor’s determination that financial assistance
7 is essential to meet disaster-related necessary expenses or
8 serious needs of local and state government adversely affected
9 by a major disaster or emergency that cannot be otherwise
10 adequately met from other means of assistance, accept a grant
11 by the federal government to fund the financial assistance,
12 subject to terms and conditions imposed upon the grant, and
13 enter into an agreement with the federal government pledging
14 the state to participate in the funding of the financial
15 assistance authorized to local government and eligible private
16 nonprofit agencies in an amount not to exceed ten percent of
17 the total eligible expenses, with the applicant providing the
18 balance of any participation amount. If financial assistance
19 is granted by the federal government for state disaster-related
20 disaster or emergency financial assistance-related expenses
21 or serious needs, the state shall participate in the funding
22 of the financial assistance authorized in an amount not to
23 exceed twenty-five percent of the total eligible expenses. If
24 financial assistance is granted by the federal government for
25 hazard mitigation, the state may participate in the funding of
26 the financial assistance authorized to a local government in
27 an amount not to exceed ten percent of the eligible expenses,
28 with the applicant providing the balance of any participation
29 amount. If financial assistance is granted by the federal
30 government for state-related hazard mitigation, the state
31 may participate in the funding of the financial assistance
32 authorized, not to exceed fifty percent of the total eligible
33 expenses. If state funds are not otherwise available to the
34 governor, an advance of the state share may be accepted from
35 the federal government to be repaid when the state is able to
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1 do so.
2 Sec. 2. Section 29C.20, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended
3 to read as follows:
4 3. If the president of the United States, at the request of
5 the governor, has declared a major disaster to exist in this
6 state, or any other emergency financial assistance is provided
7 by the federal government, the executive council may make
8 financial grants to meet disaster-related disaster or emergency
9 funding-related necessary expenses, serious needs, or hazard
10 mitigation projects of local governments and eligible private
11 nonprofit agencies adversely affected by the major disaster or
12 emergency if those expenses or needs cannot otherwise be met
13 from other means of assistance. The amount of the grant shall
14 not exceed ten percent of the total eligible expenses and is
15 conditional upon the federal government providing at least
16 seventy-five percent for public assistance grants and at least
17 fifty percent for hazard mitigation grants of the eligible
18 expenses.
20 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
21 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
22 This bill relates to a proclamation of disaster emergency
23 and the disaster aid contingent fund.
24 The bill provides that when any emergency financial
25 assistance is provided by the federal government, and upon the
26 governor’s determination that financial assistance is essential
27 to meet disaster-related necessary expenses or serious needs
28 of local and state government adversely affected by a major
29 disaster or emergency that cannot be otherwise adequately met
30 from other means of assistance, the governor may accept a grant
31 by the federal government and may enter into an agreement with
32 the federal government pledging the state to participate in
33 the funding of the financial assistance in an amount not to
34 exceed 10 percent of the total eligible expenses, with the
35 applicant providing the balance of any participation amount.
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1 If financial assistance is granted by the federal government
2 for state disaster or emergency financial assistance-related
3 expenses or serious needs, the state shall participate in the
4 funding of the financial assistance authorized in an amount not
5 to exceed 25 percent of the total eligible expenses.
6 The bill provides that when any emergency financial
7 assistance is provided by the federal government, the executive
8 council may make financial grants to meet disaster or emergency
9 funding-related necessary expenses, serious needs, or hazard
10 mitigation projects of local governments and eligible private
11 nonprofit agencies adversely affected by the major disaster or
12 emergency if those expenses or needs cannot otherwise be met
13 from other means of assistance.
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Statutes affected:
Introduced: 29C.6, 29C.20